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  1. Thanks @vitor for the info. I really thought it would paste with a specific MIME type which would then be interpreted by MS Teams and other web based apps. Thanks for the tip for textutil. Wasn't aware of this tiny command line tool. Nevertheless as it expects input files it is quite unhandy for simple text expansion.
  2. Currently for snippets and for the "Copy to Clipboard" output in workflows we can choose between "Plain Text" and "Richt Text". I would like to see a third option "Paste HTML". Typinator allows exactly this and the good thing is, that it allows me to easily write text including links with titles to Microsoft Teams. For example if the following text is pasted to teams as HTML, the text will use Team's default text format and will include a titled link: Try out <a href="https://www.alfredapp.com">Alfred</a> – a super cool productivity solution for macOS. The only workaround at the moment is to write the required text in Teams with the link, copy and paste it into the snippet and paste it as "Richt Text". Unfortunately this does not support generating dynamic links and further it produces links in Microsoft Teams which do have the standard text color instead of the expected link color.
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