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Praxder last won the day on June 26 2022

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  1. Nice! I like this update of Moom. Is there a specific new feature from Moom that you'd like to see in this Alfred workflow?
  2. I created a simple workflow that hits the Giphy api - it works and copies the animated gif to your clipboard, but it sure would be nice if the images were animated in the Alfred Grid View
  3. +1 the original request for displaying animated gifs. This would make a great gif search.
  4. Thanks @vitor, this workflow is truly a game-changer and I've already been using it quite a bit. One issue I found: if you open the Alfred prompt, start querying ChatGPT with the set keyword (I changed mine to "c"), and then hit CMD-Enter (which should start a new chat session), the Alfred prompt disappears and doesn't show any results. If I had invoked it normally (with just "Enter") it works fine, but with "Cmd-Enter" it does not.
  5. ZipIt Zip and unzip files using Alfred File Actions Installation: 1. Download directly from here or from the GitHub releases page here 2. Double-click the workflow to install it Usage: Zipping: Select files you want to zip in Finder Activate Alfred File actions Select "Zip Files" Confirm the path and name of the compressed archive Unzipping: Select file you want to unzip in Finder Activate Alfred File actions Select "Unzip Files" Configuration: You can configure the compression level between 1-9. 1 is the fastest but least compression, whereas 9 is the slowest but highest compression. Screenshots: Zip: Unzip: Dependencies: None Credits: Zip icons created by Freepik - Flaticon: https://www.flaticon.com/free-icons/zip
  6. This has been fixed and I published a new release with it.
  7. Hello! Thanks for such a great piece of software. It's literally my favorite Mac app. I'm really enjoying the latest big update, but found one minor issue: What you were doing when the issue happened Using the workflow object "Automation Task" > "Get Text Metrics" > "Characters" when I noticed that it reports +1 of the real value. As a simple test, use the "Args and Vars" object to send the text "test" to the above mentioned Automation Task that should count the number of characters in the input. The output from this example is 5, even though "test" should be 4. Whether you were able to replicate it a second time by performing the same action Yes Include the Alfred version & build number you are using (don't say "latest" - you'll find a version number in the Update tab of Alfred's preferences) Alfred 5.0.1 [2067] Include your macOS version Mac OS Monterey 12.5
  8. Alfred_X_Moom Direct download: Alfred_X_Moom GitHub Link: Github Switch between Moom snapshots (layouts) with Alfred Here's a screenshot to demonstrate: Installation: Download the latest release from the above link and double-click to install. Usage: Simply activate the Alfred file actions menu and type "moom" Current Issues: Currently, the workflow will not work properly if your snapshot names have a comma in them.
  9. Are there any other causes of this notification? I get this notification whenever I first open Alfred after a restart. I disabled all workflows just as a sanity check and still am getting this notification. Not a huge problem -- just a little annoying.
  10. Alfred Base64 Direct download: Encode:Decode Base64.alfredworkflow GitHub Link: Alfred Base64 README file: located here License: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Packal: Alfred Base64 This is a simple workflow that allows you to covert files to/from base 64 using an Alfred file action. Here are some screenshots to demonstrate: Installation: Download the latest release from the above link and double-click to install. Usage: Simply activate the Alfred file actions menu and type "Encode Base64" or "Decode Base64" Attributions: Icon adopted from "restart by Alice Design from the Noun Project" Compatibility: This workflow uses the base64 utility that has come with Mac OS X since v10.7 (released in 2011), so as long as you've updated in the last decade this workflow should function fine. 🙂 Notes: This is my first public workflow post (but not the last 😉), so if I missed something or did something wrong please let me know so I can fix it for next time. Thanks!
  11. I would also be very interested in this.
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