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  1. Yes, it is permitted by macOS because I've used ⇧⌃⌥⌘ + Q in Bunch, Keyboard Maestro and Hammerspoon.
  2. Must be but I can't figure out for what exactly. Do you have any recommendations? I've checked and I only have Bunch and Alfred on that machine now. I am using an automation with Bunch that uses ⇧⌃⌥⌘ + T, but not Q.
  3. By the way, other keys work fine if they aren't taken by a workflow.
  4. I have Alfred 4 on a macOS High Sierra system. For some reason it doesn't allow me to use Hyper Key + Q ( ⌘⇧⌥^ + Q ) to trigger any workflow. I thought Bettertouch Tool (BTT) was blocking me from using Q with the hyper key, so I uninstalled BTT completely but still the problem persists. Does anyone have a way for me to discover the problem?
  5. My workflow is much simpler than your example. Here is the link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fxqZD1UjC-Y1a0HyGsFc7HKIGdS6c6bD/view?usp=share_link
  6. I have a workflow that works and the end action is a post notification. How do I get the end result of the script to appear in the search results? Similar to the attached screenshot. Is it a specific trigger or notification? Right now I have a: keyword trigger > Script > Post Notification
  7. I don't know of a way to remove the DS service, but you can choose one of the two other available services. Here is a YouTube video on how to do it.
  8. Is there a way to remove DarkSky (DS)? It keeps trying to call from the DS API. I've added the keys for the other 2 services.
  9. No, I got it working because I installed an updated workflow that isn't from packel.org. It's from http://units.dnsu.ch/download. So I'm not sure if I needed all those dependencies.
  10. I installed them but I'm not sure the dependencies were needed. The Workflow was outdated.
  11. I have a workflow with a post notification block at the end of it, but the won't appear while ScreenFlow is recording. Any idea as to where/how I can fix that? A link to the Question-Answer workflow.
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