I’m using the arrows for navigation all the time.
I discover the bug by accident, it's not really effected on my work-flow (I don't really needs to go backroads from "/Application" ).
I just wanna let you know guys
error 12:30:05.832556+0300 runningboardd RBSStateCapture remove item called for untracked item 485-176-11707 (target:executable<Alfred(501)>)
error 12:30:05.838917+0300 ReportCrash Invalid receipt [0 bytes]
did you manage to do it on your mac?
EDIT: this is the crash report:
when Im typing "/app" into Alfred, (it seems like in the following image:)
and if I click on the left-arrow, it will crash completely.
it's happened every time that I'm doing it.
I'm using Alfred4.1 [1167] on Mac 10.15.5.
If I missed any additional information, please let me know