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Everything posted by Argus

  1. Thanks for the tip and solution. I am now using the debugger tool. For any interested I had to make a couple other corrections: 1. Change "Argument required" to "No argument" in my keyword trigger 2. Change the Run Script so that it was running "/usr/bin/osascript" rather than "/usr/bin/"
  2. I'm an AppleScript newb. I'm trying to make a workflow to open a new finder window. Here is my current script: tell application "Finder" make new window activate end tell Calling it with my keyboard shortcut results in no behavior. I checked out the AppleScript finder documentation but I must be missing something. Could someone please help me out?
  3. Hello. I'm a newb to AppleScript and am trying to make a workflow to open a new TextEdit window, similar to this one made for Chrome: https://github.com/caiogondim/alfred-chrome-window-workflow . Here is my current script: on alfred_script(q) tell application "TextEdit" make new window tell application "System Events" to set frontmost of process "TextEdit" to true activate end tell end alfred_script Here's the workflow: Calling it in Alfred with "tw" results in no behavior. Could someone please help me out?
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