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  1. JSON Prettier How to use? 1. Copy JS Object or JSON string to your clipboard 2. Open Alfred and type "json" and click Enter ↵ It will paste a pretty JSON string GitHub URL:https://github.com/lacherogwu/alfred-workflows-json-prettier
  2. # Setup Instructions To connect to a server you need to add your keys first, and then the instances. To add keys and instances use the 'ec2add' keyword. Add an instance format: name,username@ip e.g. My App,root@ Add a key format: name,path for e.g. Master,/Keys/master.pem ## How to use Once you added your keys and your instances, use the 'ec2login' keyword to establish an SSH connection with your instance If you want to remove a key or an instance, use the 'ec2remove' keyword ## Examples ## Bugs If you are facing any bug you can use the 'ec2reset' keyword and it will remove your keys and instances and generate new empty files ## GitHub URL https://github.com/lacherogwu/alfred-workflows-ec2Login
  3. Hello, usually from what I know, if you have didn't enter an access key in the environment settings you will not see the ID, as of now you will not see also a feedback. in your version you can try to create task using the "task" keyword and if something is not set correctly it should show you an error. I also pushed a new version 3.2.1 to github, you can download the new version and it should also show feedback on the "asana" keyword. I suggest you again to check the accessKey you entered in the environment settings, if they key is correct so everything should work fine. If you face any other issues let me know 😄
  4. Setup Instructions: 1. Create a new access token on Asana and set it on the accessToken env variable [1] 2. Set your user id: use the "asana" keyword and select "My ID", then press enter to copy the gid and paste it on the "me" env variable 3. Set the workspace id: use the "asana" keyword and select "Workspaces", select the workspace you want, and paste the gid on the "workspace" env variable How to use: In order to create a task, use the "task" keyword. The format of the input should be this: title;description for e.g. "create a website;check the email from John and create the website according to his instructions" In order to open the URL of the newly created task add ":" followed by a space at the end of your input, for e.g. "create a website :" or "create website;setup wordpress :" Examples: In order to assign a user to the task, you can use the "-a" flag followed by a space at the end of your input, for e.g. "create a website -a" In order to add a project to the task, you can use the "-p" flag followed by a space at the end of your input, for e.g. "create a website -p" In order to add a section to the task, you can use the "-s" flag followed by a space at the end of your input, make sure that the "-p" flag exists You can also use here the open URL feature by simply add the ":" character at the end (before or after the flags), for e.g. "create a website : -a" or "create logo;use blue and grey colors -a -p :" In order to resync data like projects, sections, or users you can use the "asana" keyword and select the desired function. Text formatting: **Bold** To bold your message, place an asterisk on both sides of the text: *text* **New line** To make a new line, use \n: Development: To run the script you the following command: me=$me workspace=$workspace accessToken=$accessToken node index.js 'task title;task description' Set the variables to your vars. Optional variables: assignee, projectId, sectionId References: [1] https://asana.com/guide/help/api/api GitHub URL: https://github.com/lacherogwu/alfred-workflows-asana-automation
  5. Hello All! I'm curious if this is possible to do the followings: I created a JS file script on my computer, I'm curious if that is possible to run this file using node through Alfred workflows. If yes, please let me know how. I'm also curious if alfred can run this code in the file and wait for a response and then I will use the response from the function on a POST notification step. Thanks!
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