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Everything posted by evdev

  1. I'm surprised there isn't more demand for this feature, I constantly find myself typing different keyword triggers when I want to perform the same action. For the same reason, I also set up multiple duplicate search engines in my browsers that use slightly different keyword variations but all point to the same custom URL query (like ama, amz, amzn that all perform the same custom Amazon.com search when typed in omnibox and Tab key is pressed) When I'm in a moment of mental flow and I suddenly want to check for X on site Y, I want to do so the quickest way possible with the minimum effort/resistance. Same goes for the terminal, once I find myself using a command more frequently, I set a few minimum-character aliases for it like dk, dock, dkr (all aliasing docker) which allows my brain multiple neural pathways for it to be correct in the midst of focusing on a more complex task. I find that it helps my flow state significantly because there's less chance of mental disruption especially when recalling newly created aliases/keywords where the brain's connections aren't very strong yet and will still require more intensive memory lookups during your typing thought process. All that aside, does anyone have any workarounds for this with Alfred workflows other than duplicating them and setting different keywords? Would be nice to have more low level access to Alfred's triggers but in lieu of that I wonder if a meta-workflow workflow could be worth experimenting on. If it would allow one to set a number of aliases for any of a user's currently installed workflows it could be potentially useful.
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