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Posts posted by BrettPontecorvo

  1. Hey all!


    This is a newbie question, thanks in advanced for you patience. I have written a script that restructures a specific URL on python. It works well in Pycharm. 


    I am wondering how I can use alfred to run this script. Happy to do the work of reading and learning, but after hours of googling I have come up mostly empty handed.  Code below incase it's relevant.


    import pyperclip
    text = pyperclip.paste()
    link = text
    pt_1, Pt_2 = link.split("#")
    notion, erase, delete = ([pt_1[i:i+22] for i in range(0, len(pt_1), 22)])
    confirm = ('{}{}'.format(notion, Pt_2))


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