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Posts posted by astanush

  1. This doesn't really solve my problem, since Slack is definitely one of the apps where I want my Alfred snippets to auto-expand. However, I didn't think about how Slack might have it's own expansions.


    It turns out Slack doesn't, but OS X does include some by default, like "Smart quotes" and "Smart dashes". See this tweet:  https://twitter.com/slackhq/status/588839335748837376




    "Smart dashes" turns two dashes (--) into an en dash (–), which my arrow shortcut does include. I tried turning "Smart dashes" off, but I still get the "Create snippet" Slack dialog when I try to use my Alfred snippet.


    The hunt continues, but I feel like we're getting closer.

  2. I have a few Slack snippets set up to automatically expand when I type the keyword.




    I like to use these shortcuts in Slack, however some of these trigger the "New snippet" dialog box in Slack, and others do not.


    For instance, the "-->" shortcut will trigger the "New snippet" box, but not the "<--" shortcut. See this screen capture: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1p683hcb371090z/alfred-slack-01.mov?dl=0


    The "" shortcut also triggers it.


    The Slack documentation says the keyboard shortcut for "New snippet" is CMD + ENTER (on Mac). Could Alfred be triggering this through a hidden keyboard command?


    I'm using Alfred 3.1 (build 671) on Mac OS X 10.11.5. Slack version is 2.0.2.

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