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  1. Sorry for this late reply but for some reasons I haven't been notified about it. Just refreshing the cookie works, thank you friend! 🙏
  2. Thank for your super useful workflow, I can't live anymore without it. It's used to work until a couple of days ago, but now I get this error File "notion.py", line 198, in <module> for x in searchResults.pages: AttributeError: 'Payload' object has no attribute 'pages' what could have happened?
  3. I got that error too. I solved updating speedtest-cli, just with the command brew install speedtest-cli
  4. Great! Have you used the `set_field_value` function defined in api.py? I'd like to implement the "set field/assignee/projects" feature as well, but I haven't yet found the time to do it 😅
  5. That's very weird 🤔 After that you enter the token you should receive either 'Authentication succeeded! Enjoy the workflow' or 'Authentication failed! Check your token and your internet connection'. Could it be that your connection is very slow and the request fails in some unexpected way? Have you tried to wait a bit more before creating a new task?
  6. Can you copy paste here the log from the `asn set token` to the `asn create`? To see the log open the workflow on Alfred and click on the bug on the top right corner. Before sending the reply please remove your real token
  7. I've updated the workflow. You should get an automatic update. Changelog Features Show recently used items first In the report, aggregate small tasks in "Other"
  8. This readme could be outdated. Here there's the updated one. Create new tasks, mark tasks complete, and track the hours spent on each task. Installation 1. Download the latest release of the workflow. 2. Double click to add it to Alfred. 3. Run any command and follow the instructions for the setup. Reports If you want to generate reports of what you have done, you need to install QLMarkdown, a QuickLook plugin to preview Markdown files. To install it, open a terminal and run the following command brew cask install qlmarkdown Usage Commands asn create — Create a new Asana task asn complete — Mark an Asana task complete asn start — Start the timer for an Asana task asn stop — Stop the timer for an Asana task asn cancel — Cancel the timer of an Asana task asn reset — Reset Alfred's knowledge on an Asana task asn report — Show a report of what you have done. You can specify a time frame asn set token — Set your Personal Access Token asn set workspace — Set your default workspace asn set project — Set your default project New tasks are created on your default project. When you start a task, you'll be asked to select the field where you want to track the spent hours. Please note that when you stop or complete the task, this field will be overwritten by Alfred. When you reset a task, the history that generates the reports won't be affected. Examples asn create feed the hamster asn complete learn ballade no. 1 in g minor asn start prove p=np asn stop find the x asn set project conquer the world asn report week asn report 8 hours asn report 2 days GitHub
  9. Thank you for trying to solve this Unfortunately, the bug is still there.
  10. This happens all the time, if and only if I have the second screen connected. I have a Retina 2880 x 1800 screen on the right and a 1600 x 900 external screen on the left.
  11. Thank you so much, that's amazing! Though, I think I've found a bug when there are multiple screens (if I use only one, everything goes perfectly).
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