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Everything posted by dd852

  1. Huge thank you - this is such a useful thing to have.
  2. I'm still having trouble getting this to work in Big Sur - once or twice it seemed ok, but usually it doesn't do anything.
  3. Hi - this has now been solved after writing Alfred support. The troubleshooting that worked for me was: " First, open macOS's System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Full Disk Access and grant Terminal Full Disk Access. This will ensure that a reindex is done properly. Next, type "?rebuild" into Alfred. When the window pops up, check the box to Delete Spotlight-V100 before rebuilding. This will ensure macOS is able to do the most thorough reindex. Once you're in Terminal and you type your password, pay attention to any error messages in the Terminal window. If there are any issues starting the reindex, Terminal should tell you there. If the reindex starts properly, wait an hour or so, then look at the metadata results again to see whether the metadata is complete. Some users have opted for a full reinstall of Big Sur, as the issue you're seeing would affect any apps relying on the metadata, not just Alfred, but I appreciate that this is a more time consuming undertaking so can be saved as a last resort."
  4. I'm afraid I'm suffering from the same issue. Rebuilding, taking applications in and out of spotlight privacy haven't yet helped
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