I am using macOS big sur, 11.1 (20C69) and also the newest version Alfred 4.3.1[1214].
snippets not working occasionally. Yes, occasionally, I have seen some strange behaviors. I will explain it in detail.
At first, I google it due to the unavailability of snippets, and follow the way I found in internet to solve my problem.
the details are in this post,
But I now find those aren't the real reason that making snippets unavailable. At beginning, I also think it may be caused by the Accessibility permission or the interfering of other apps using accessibility permission.
Today I notice this alert like the image below.Although I don't test snippets in safari so I ignore it before, it's not working in all apps.
And then I decide to try to kill the safari completely, and others following apps displayed by Alfred which are blocking text expansion by locking secure entry.
Those apps contains, as I have observed, safari, telegram ,some process,(Alfred display its process ID not App name).But strangely, when I try to use the order ,kill {process ID},what I got is only there is no such process in shell.
After I kill all the apps display above, snippets function normally in all the place again.
Unfortunately, after a while when I launch those apps, snippets is not working again and Alfred display that information again.
I need to emphasize that the snippets works for a short time not stopping working as I launch these apps.
How to reproduce
I don't know the exactly steps to reproduce the strange bug.
but it's actually reproduced in my computer again and again.
My thoughts
I guess the real reason that make snippets unavailable is the incorrect implementation of the api of secure input. But I don't know clearly the details of the fundamental implementation of OS X.