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  1. New version release: 4.1 Changelog: Display available stations before typing (#9) Download link Thanks to @vitor for the suggestion
  2. New version release: 4.0 Changelog: Use the stations information to autosuggest the origin and destination (#7) Add detailed instructions on how to obtain API Key (#6) Updated README This release is a breaking change in terms if UI/UX, please refer to the README for updated usage instructions Download link Thanks to Github user @MartinKanters for the contribution
  3. Hi KorteAnton! This is the correct product you're using. Can you please tell me more about how you use the API key? I've just tried to create a test account and use the newly generated API key and it seemed to work with no issues.
  4. New version release: 3.1 Changelog: Support stations with spaces in names For stations with spaces in names use `_` (underscore) instead of space inside the name, e.g. for trains between Den Haag Centraal and Utrecht Leidsche Rijn type `utrecht_leidsche_rijn den_haag_centraal` Download link Thanks to Github user @Cedrick84 for the contribution
  5. Hi @andy4222 These are good questions, let me see how I can answer these This workflow searches in your recent projects of IntellJ IDEA/PyCharm/etc., which is kept in a special xml file by each app. Due to how JetBrains apps manage projects it can be a bit difficult to use File Filter, since projects can be all over the filesystem. Good point about compatibility. I try to keep this workflow up to date on account of using it every day myself. Of course, if you encounter any issues you are also free to submit bug reports on Github. As for the "using languages" part - there's quite some logic for reading the files and for fuzzy search, which is hard to manage solely via Alfred features and/or shell scripts. Besides, python code is easier to test and maintain. There's even a small test harness to ensure there are no breaking changes between releases. I have certainly seen this workflow before I created my own (and perhaps, even got inspired by some of the decisions there), it is a nice project. I am, however, not a fan of node/javascript ecosystem and the way of distribution of this workflow. When creating my own workflow I was aiming at several goals: - simplicity of distribution: just download the *.alfredworkflow file - simplicity of design: it is simple enough that there are no external dependencies (the only thing needed is python3) - simplicity of operation: should work out of the box (no need to mess about with setting up shell scripts for JetBrains apps)
  6. New version release: 3.0 Changelog: Update to Alfred 5 User Configuration This workflow version is for Alfred 5 and is not backwards compatible with Alfred 4.Alfred 4 users can use version 2.0 of the workflow. Thanks @vitor for the contribution
  7. It's a nice idea, I'll have to give it another thought I reckon I made the decision to have separate workflows for each app for two reasons: - you can get only what you need - it is easier to support: it is basically just a single workflow template. When I need to support any new app I can it that programmatically with minimal changes without messing about with the GUI
  8. thanks for the tip! I thought about this when I upgraded the workflow to Python 3, but found explaining the dependency requirement in this way more reliable and honest.
  9. NS (Nederlandse Spoorwegen) Train schedule for Alfred Alfred workflow for getting NS Train schedule. Getting started Prerequisites Project requires Python 3.8+ to run, which is not included by default with macOS. You can install Python 3 using this guide. ⚠️ Make sure to get API key from https://apiportal.ns.nl/ and set it as workflow environment variable NS_APIKEY during the installation. Downloading & Installing Download NS_Schedule.alfredworkflow file from the latest release at this project's Github Releases page and open it with Alfred. Change the value of NS_APIKEY variable to the value you've received from NS at the Prerequisites step. How to Use Open Alfred and type ns and names of two train stations you want to see schedule for. Workflow will display list of upcoming trains for the route you have specified. Pressing Enter on a displayed item will open it on NS website, so you can get more details. Built With Python 3.8 Feedback & Contributions Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
  10. JetBrains projects for Alfred Alfred workflow for opening your JetBrains IDEs projects Supported IDEs IDE Name Version Keyword Android Studio 4.1+ androidstudio AppCode 2020.3+ appcode CLion 2020.3+ clion DataGrip 2020.3+ datagrip GoLand 2020.3+ goland IntelliJ IDEA 2020.3+ idea PyCharm 2020.3+ pycharm WebStorm 2020.3+ webstorm Support for older IDE versions is not guaranteed. Prerequisites Project requires Python 3.9+ to run, which is not included by default with macOS. You can install Python 3 using this guide. Downloading & Installing Download *.alfredworkflow file for your IDE from the latest release at this project's Github Releases page and open it with Alfred. How to Use Open Alfred and type keyword for your IDE (see Supported IDEs above). Workflow will display list of recent projects ( sorted by time last opened descending). You can further filter project list by typing additional words. Fuzzy first-letter search is supported (i.e. typing map will find my-awesome-project😞 Built With Python 3.9 Feedback & Contributions Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
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