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  1. Re: Issue with alfred:ignore in iCloud Drive When I tag files or folders located in my iCloud folder with alfred:ignore, the colon is (almost) instantly is transformed to a forward slash -- alfred/ignore. This transformation seems to be due to iCloud Drive's syncing mechanism, as it doesn't occur with files/folders marked with the ".nosync" extension (excluding them from iCloud synchronization). The altered tag (alfred/ignore) then doesn't serve the intended purpose of excluding files from Alfred searches. It does however add "alfred/ignore" to my system tags. Has anyone else experienced this or found a workaround?
  2. I use the Amazon Suggest workflow fairly often and without issue. A few hours ago it functioned as expected. Now, for some reason, it returns the following error: The execution error: Error: SyntaxError: JSON Parse error: Unexpected EOF (-2700) This results in no in-line suggestions, however hitting 'enter' will open Amazon and perform a search with whatever search terms I've entered. Re-installing from the Gallery didn't resolve the issue. Suggestions?
  3. Thanks so much @Vero, @vitor for the detailed explanations! Makes sense to me now. 🙂
  4. @Vero @Stephen_C Here's what I'm currently running: - Alfred: 5.0.6 - macOS 13.2 (22D49) I tested it again and have attached screen shots of each step.
  5. I'm losing all customizations when I update any workflow from Alfred Gallery. Checked or unchecked "... Migrate my workflow customization" has no effect from what I can tell. If I download the updated workflow, upgrading goes perfectly. Am I overlooking something to cause this? Thanks! And apologies if this has been addressed elsewhere -- my searches turned up empty LD
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