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Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. I need Command + Option + / for Xcode. Is there a way to view all these keyboard shortcuts and either delete, or reassign, or exempt specific apps these shortcuts to something else? I cant seem to find most of these.
  2. Hi, I tried Alfred a few months ago and I really loved it, but after reformatting my computer, I lost everything. After a few months, I realized how much I need it so I purchased it with powerpack. Now I am struggling on how to set it up like before. For instance, I searching in Notability. I thought it was one of these but it is not working for me anymore: notability://{query} notability://search={query} Last question. If I want to open certain apps and its files and certain websites whenever I want to work, how can I do that? For example, I am a college student with 2 remote jobs (Bolar and Multiverse). I would like the following workflows - If I want to type college {query}, query being my class and my Notability section for that class would open up as well as new tab in Google Chrome. - If I want to work for Bolar, Notability notes would open and go to a specific note, open a tab in Google Chrome or Stack (new browser from product hunt) and its codebase in Xcode and SourceTree - Same as Bolar for Multiverse but different files and tabs of course Can someone point me to the right directions on how can I do this?
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