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Everything posted by MaximiliumM

  1. So, here's the full description of all features and how to use them: Quick update: Some fixes and new move filter feature.
  2. Even more features added! Hope you like it Same download link.
  3. Hey, it's me again! So, I've added some more features to the Alfredex Now you can look up items, moves, abilities and so on. You can even search for TM, like TM10 or HM03 Here are some images: Also, my Super Effective! workflow has a new feature as well. Now you can check Dual-Types Pokémon weaknesses. You can download both workflows here: Pokédex: https://db.tt/a6bhugxY Super Effective!: https://db.tt/uVvaEdub Thanks ~!
  4. Hello, I've decided to improve your Alfredex Since checking Pokémon types is something I do really often, I thought it would be better if Alfred showed the types as well. So here it is. I hope you like it. Download link: https://db.tt/a6bhugxY
  5. Ahn, you know that you can just press CMD + L and anything written in Alfred box will be displayed as Large Type, right?
  6. Hello, Our friend withanx created the Alfredex, a Pokedex inside Alfred, and it gave me an idea: Create a workflow to tell what is super effective against what. And here it is Now you're able to tell what type is super effective against Poison really fast. Just open Alfred and "type Fire". Here's a screenshot: It gives you all the information you need. If it's immune to some type, or if it can't damage some type and so on. I hope you enjoy it UPDATE: New feature: Check Dual-Type Pokémon weaknesses. Download link: https://db.tt/uVvaEdub
  7. Yay Done! My Pokemon type checker is complete. Here's the download link: https://db.tt/uVvaEdub
  8. First build done. Not sure yet how to display the information. I want it to be fast at glance. And I'd love to be able to put images + type names instead of only the name of the type ;( Well, here's an image of what I've got so far, hehe. See you
  9. OH! And you just gave me an idea! Create a workflow to tell what is super effective against what. Like "Fire" and it gives you what Fire is effective against and also what is effective against Fire. I'll start coding that right now! Thanks
  10. omg, so cool ~! But I'd like to have more information directly on Alfred instead of being redirected to Pokemondb Thanks ;D
  11. Hey ;D ! Awesome Workflow! I added UIColor code format ~ ! If you want to add to the main Workflow, here it is: http://db.tt/ZvJgGnof
  12. Very nice Workflow! Unfortunately, one thing I didn't like was that I wasn't able to select the files from the populated results, as in select multiple files and email to someone. I had to open them or browse, or something like that. So I changed that behaviour. Now when I type "drawer", it goes straight to "browse in Alfred" action. That way you still have a list of all items you got in your Drawer, but now with all Browse in Alfred actions, like Email to, Move to, Delete, or any other File Action you've got. Not sure if it's the best implementation, but if you wanna check it out, it's here: http://db.tt/1JJZiODy Also, I've created a Folder Action using Automator that checks how many items are in my Desktop folder and if there are more than 5 items (I'm not sure if that's the "golden number" yet), it automatically moves everything to DeskDrawer folder. Since it's a Folder Action, it runs every time a item is created/moved/copied (or whatever) to Desktop folder. If you want my AppleScript for that behaviour, here it is: http://db.tt/NqO5gKsr Thank you Hope you like it. EDIT: OMG! I've just realised that now the Workflow is designed for me ;P I mean, it's my DeskDrawer folder location which is used when "drawer" is called, hahaha. Sorry, I totally forgot about this. I'll update it soon to make it work with whichever DeskDrawer folder location you have. If you want to download it the way it is now, you just have to change the first Script Filter argument to your DeskDrawer folder location Also, as a feedback to the author Carlos, the DeskDrawer's folder default location is out of Alfred's Search scope, so I can't use "find" keyword to get to the files. I mean, of course, if I do remember that the files are in the DeskDrawer folder, I could just use "drawer [filename]" filter. But if I'm just looking for a specific filename which I have no idea where it is, this approach may be bad. Thank you again for this awesome Workflow idea ~ ! EDIT 2: Ok, I've already fixed the Workflow Now it works with whichever folder location you have Same download link, ok?
  13. Hello, Description: Creates a new folder at desired location. NOTE: You might want to disable any "folder filter" you have, since I use the same thing to choose folder destination. And don't worry, you'll still be able to use it as a folder filter Features: - Creates a new folder with desired name and location. - Default folder name: "untitled folder". - Folder filter, both to search for folders only and to choose new folder destination. - File action. You can navigate to desired location within Alfred and choose "Create New Folder". Unfortunately, I haven't found a good solution to name the new folder using this File Action. But it does open the new folder location to make it easier to rename it. Download: http://db.tt/uxCmMG40 Please, if you have any issues, feedback, suggestions, whatever tell me
  14. Hello, Enjoy Download: http://db.tt/8knnaJcO UPDATE 1.2.1: Bug fixes: - Data fetching was broken for different status flags. *CRITICAL* (So sorry! Probably the Workflow wasn't working properly to many of you, because of this typo) UPDATE 1.2: Changes: - Now it stores your tracking number without having to activate "More Info and Actions". UPDATE 1.1: New Features: - Clear command to remove all recently tracked numbers - Clear confirmation dialog so you won't clear by mistake UPDATE 1.0: New Features: - Autocomplete from Recents - Status, Location and most recent details Changes: - Now you can only use Option and CTRL keys with 'More Info and Actions' - Changed data source from Packagetrackr to Faranow. Basically same people, but newer system. UPDATE 0.5: New Features: - Stores 5 tracking numbers (adjustable in code) - Copy To Clipboard recent tracking numbers - Remove tracking numbers from storage Enjoy And please, give me suggestions!
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