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  1. Some file type icon are not displayed in Alfred seach, such as .pdf, .epub, .wav Is it a bug or something I messed up ? Thank you in advance.
  2. Hi, I couldn't find the way for me to use Alfred to search files within Cloud drive (pCloud, Google Drive) inside Finder. I did try to add cloud folder to search scope but it doesn't work. Is it possible ?
  3. Alfred workflow `Get Safari Tab List` works completely fine in Safari. But the `Get Chromium Browser Tab List` does not work in Arc. Arc has other problem about URL capture, such as when using Hook. So I had to add a script for it to work. Is there anyway for this workflow to work ? Thanks in advance.
  4. Wow, I never know that! Big Thank You!!
  5. Well, I agreed with @vitor. I would like to navigate to the folder without seeing the `icon` file. All the 3 proposed methods do not work. 1. I prefer navigating so I don't have to recall the content in a folder 2. Spotlight's privacy can only include folder not file 3. `alfred:ignore` does not work 4. The script could be easy for you but I'm non-programmer so it's hard for me. Could you please share the script ? Thanks. Well, I can't wait to see it.
  6. I love customizing my files and folders with icons. The problem is that when I search in Alfred, the icon file, which is supposed to be invisible, appears in the result. So how can I remove that icon image file from search ? Thanks in advance.
  7. I cannot use Snippet as the result of the Safari security system. What can I do to fix this ? Thanks in advance.
  8. I just found it! Go to System Preferences > General > Default web browser > Choose the one you like. I am thinking it would be even better if we could specify which web search goes to which web browser.
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