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  1. try this instead: on alfred_script(q) tell application "Finder" to activate tell application "System Events" to tell application process "Finder" click menu item "Hide Others" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Finder" of menu bar 1 click menu item "Minimize All" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Window" of menu bar 1 end tell end alfred_script
  2. this issue with PHP notices is something I have with a lot of workflows based on PHP, since I am a PHP developer myself I have set the error reporting in my php.ini to E_ALL | E_STRICT, meaning I will get all errors, warnings and notices printed. The quick fix is changing the setting in your php.ini file. The solution I've done is adding: error_reporting(0); to php-files in the workflows that are not working for me.
  3. Well, easier is probably not the best terminology. But since my library.json file gets quite large (~13mb), the player takes a while to load. Updating without loading the player is just quicker… this is an issue overall for me with the mini player actually. I guess I have too many playlists...
  4. I added a simple way to make it easier to update the library.json file: http://cl.ly/OF1t
  5. Since I have php set up to error report notices, I'm getting a lot of stacked notices in front of the hash, the easiest solution for this is by adding: error_reporting(0); at the top of e4WorkflowApp.php.
  6. Ah, my bad. I have updated it to use the dash in urls instead: http://cl.ly/MHVj
  7. Made another one: jQuery API jquery {query} Shows jQuery functions, enter brings you to api.jquery.com/function. Download: http://cl.ly/MBUG
  8. I made a couple of workflows: PHP functions php {query} Shows function description in subtext, enter will bring you to php.net for full documentation. Download: http://cl.ly/MHVj Drupal API d {query} Shows Drupal 7 functions available with query, enter brings you to api.drupal.org. d6 {query} d7 {query} d8 {query} Shows Drupal X functions available with query, enter brings you to api.drupal.org. Download: http://cl.ly/MAzw Purge Memory free Purges and frees up memory. (hotkey ctrl+alt+cmd+m can also be used) Download: http://cl.ly/MBc6 The PHP and Drupal workflows are highly based on "Google Auto Complete" by David Ferguson. Cheers.
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