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Posts posted by naga098

  1. 15 minutes ago, vitor said:

    By design, Alfred has to be explicitly called. Constantly checking in the background for a running app would be inefficient. Why not instead have a Keyword which launches the two apps at once? Why check for what’s running?


    You have a point - i have done just that and had it set up just now. Was curious though if Alfred 5 could offer the monitoring functionality as mentioned, the new automation feature seems useful. 

  2. I am trying to set up a workflow whereby it checks if an app is running, and then if it is then it will launch another app. Ideally I would like to have this running in the background, so the two apps are always active at the same time. Is this possible with automation? i see there is an object called "is app running?" but i am not sure what to use it to achieve what i descrived... any help would be greatly appreciated.

  3. On 9/12/2021 at 12:46 AM, pseudometa said:

    Over last couple of weeks, I compiled a bunch of features related to Obsidian. It's already been tested by a bunch of people from the Obsidian Community, so should be rather stable. Noticed at some point that I only shared it in the Obsidian Forum and not the Alfred Forum, so here it is. 😅


    (I know that there are other Obsidian workflows, but they mostly focus on stuff like daily notes and after all have a very different feature set.)


    Full Feature List
    - Search your Vault (Open note, append clipboard, open in new pane, copy hook, ...)

    - Fully browse your vault folder structure via Alfred
    - Open Starred Files/Searches

    - Open Recent Files
    - OCR Screenshots (see image below)
    - Search the Obsidian Documentation
    - Search Community Plugins and directly open them in Obsidian or GitHub
    - Search & Preview Community Themes
    - Create Backups of your Vault
    - Enter Dual Mode (Edit + Preview)
    - Create a new note
    - Open various folders in .obsidian
    - Open the Obsidian settings
    - Toggle a CSS Snippet
    - One-Click-Convert a font file to base64-CSS
    - Open your current theme CSS file
    - Access your themes and snippets via Alfred
    - Quickly create a new CSS snippet from clipboard content
    - Display a list of Obsidian's default variables


    ➡️ Download the latest release at GitHub
    ➡️ Documentation of all the Features and Settings





    this is such a great workflow - thank you so much. i found your theme as well.. they are equally good. donated. thank you so much for creating these useful tools.

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