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Posts posted by rknightuk

  1. Just checking out the 5.5 beta and the new grid view which is working great on my gif search workflow (https://alfred.app/workflows/rknightuk/gif-search/). What I'm wondering is if it would be possible to use grid view as the output of a script filter.


    Right now if I want to use a grid view as the search UI, I need to do `keyword > press enter > show grid view > type {searchterm}` whereas with the script filter I can type `{keyword} searchterm` and it immediately shows results in a list.


    It's possible I'm missing a way to do this already and if so please let me know 😅

  2. You're absolutely right and I'm kicking myself now for making it so much more difficult that it needed to be. Both this and HTTP codes have been updated to 1.0.1 used `cat` on the JSON instead of mapping it for no reason.


    Thanks Vitor, appreciate your help.

  3. That makes sense, thanks for getting back to me.


    The unsigned binary is a problem (and always has been with it) and I don't see that happening any time soon.


    Anyway, I'll get some of my other workflows updated and submitted soon.

  4. Hey folks, I've been a bit busy with various things but haven't been around on the form much.


    I have some workflows I want to submit to the gallery but this one in particular isn't one I'm interested in submitting right now - there are numerous issues with it and lots of feature requests that I'm unlikely to be able to get to. I would prefer this one to stay outside of the gallery just on my github.


    I have made a note to update this one to stop using environment variables and may get to some of the improvements in the future at which time I will submit it.


    @vitorI see this has been marked as completed so let me know if there's something I need to do to exclude it right now.

  5. That is really odd @nikivi, I can't imagine what would be causing that. Does it work if you disconnect OneUpdater block? I can't imagine it's that but I can't think what else it could be and I can't replicate on my machine.


    2 hours ago, nikivi said:

    Also love your wiki, it's really well made. ♥️


    Thanks very kind of you to say, yours was a big inspiration and help in making mine.

  6. Thanks for the feedback @vitor I think I should be checking my own checklist that I wrote for workflows (which I totally didn't this time). Updated to include the about workflow information, link now has the readme like it should with more information as well as the download link and I added OneUpdater.


    As for the blog post thing that an interesting thought and I'll consider where I might post some stuff in the future.





  7. I've been working on a project that required me to copy a lot of Safari tabs and I built a workflow to help with that. Features:


    - Copy current tab or all

    - Choose which of the pages to copy if copying all

    - Copy as:

        - Markdown

        - Markdown list

        - Titles only 

        - Links only

        - Titles and links


    It's a bit of a specific use case but might come in handy to other people.


    Download: https://github.com/rknightuk/alfred-workflows/tree/main/workflows/safari-tabs-markdown



  8. Here you go @JA_UK https://github.com/rknightuk/alfred-workflows/raw/main/workflows/_misc/Google-Suggest-with-CMD-mod.alfredworkflow


    Few things to make this work with this workflow:


    Pass in the `$orig` query to the `result` method in the script filter


    $wf->result( $int.'.'.time(), "$data", "$data", 'Search Google for '.$data, 'icon.png', 'yes', null, null, $orig );


    Add the `mods` section so holding command will search for the original query (line 454-ish of workflows.php)


    'mods' => [
    	'cmd' => [
    		'arg' => $orig,
    		'subtitle' => "Search Google for $orig"


    Thirdly, make this output as JSON instead, which supports the `mods` in the output


    public function toJson()
    	return json_encode([ 'items' => $this->results ]);


  9. You're on the right track there but you would need to do one of two things:


    1. Set the "input" as a variable, although this would be a little difficult given the way to workflow works, so I'd say this isn't ideal

    2. Set the `mods` on the script filter (https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/inputs/script-filter/json/) to the cmd key (or whatever you want)


    I had a look in the `workflows.php` file which is what powers this workflow and it doesn't support the `mods` section when creating a result. I think this is a limitation of `SimpleXmlElement` but I could be wrong (it's been a while since I've used that).


    Give me 15 minutes or so and I'll see if I can come up with something and I'll comment the code so you can see what I've done to achieve this.

  10. I'm guessing the script this workflow runs would need to be amended


    You would be correct. If you open the workflow in Alfred, then double click on the first block (it says script filter) and paste this line below the line that says $int = 1; then save. It will then show your typed input as as the first option


    // the rest of the code
    $int = 1; // you should see this line in there already
    // paste this line in below the above
    $wf->result( $int.'.'.time(), "$orig", "$orig", 'Search Google for '.$orig, 'icon.png'  );
    // the rest of the code



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