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Everything posted by FiXER

  1. Great job on the workflow. I find it a little bit annoying that I have to write Perpectives, Projects case sensitive, is this necessary?
  2. @Barrierfreeman that is exactly my problem... hope it will get fixed soon
  3. Too bad it's not working with latest version of Transmit
  4. I would suggest also option to make screenshot of an selected windows. Similar to, when you press cmd+shift+4 and after that Spacebar
  5. Ok, I now why it wasn't working ~/Dropbox/Library/Alfred 2/ I have space in the folder name, when I removed the space, it started to work. Could you fix the workflow to work also with spaces in folder names? Thanks.
  6. I don't get the last part. Where should I place the export.json file to be able to export workflows to Desktop? Thanks for explaining.
  7. I have a small issue with next hour report. It's not showing any data, but it has data on forecast.io . Any suggestions?
  8. Hi, I am starting with php and I prepare this little workflow, to quickly find something on php.net. Hope it helps some of you. Download
  9. Hi, it's not working for me. I edited the export.json file to this: { "workflow-export" : {"directory" : "~/Desktop", "enable": true}, "source-export": {"directory" : "~/Desktop", "enable": false} } Export always fail and it also created folder src in ~/Downloads. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks.
  10. What about last.fm workflow. After typing "lastfm" space "name of artist" you will get the list of suggested artists/albums/songs? Can somebody do it?
  11. Great workflow, I would have one feature request. Can you display actual app icons next to the processes?
  12. When you add keyboard shortcut to a workflow, then you can assign this keyboard shortcut to touchpad gesture. That's the easiest way to combine them.
  13. I had a script to convert psds to png, when I was using LaunchBar. But I need help implementing it as a workflow. Here's the topic. Then you can use it also to convert images from png to jpg
  14. Some of the author names are not displayed correctly http://cl.ly/image/1Q3O0s011h0z
  15. For some reason I only see one of the torrent files. Currently I have 3 paused/finished torrents and one active and I can only see one from paused/finished list. Any help? Edit: I have the other torrents in groups, does this workflow works only with "no group" torrents?
  16. I would add http://howlongtobeat.com , I like the gameplay stats
  17. Hi, can anybody help me to make this image converting workflow work? I want to convert selected psd files to png. Thanks. http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1385634/ptp.alfredworkflow
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