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  1. Thanks - yes I've just done what you mentioned on GitHub. I asked here first on the off chance there was something simple not filled out correctly on my environment variables.
  2. Thanks @pseudometa! I'm having trouble opening the citations' PDFs-it shows the pdf in Finder but doesn't open it. Am I missing something in the environment variables maybe?
  3. Updated by removing my final q as I found the answer to that
  4. Anyone able to help with this? I'm getting the following error despite having python & python3 installed on my system. How do I change where AlfredExtraPane looks for python? In Monterey 12.3.1 it should be /usr/local/bin/python not usr/bin/python. > ./search.sh: AlfredExtraPane.app/Contents/Resources/scripts/alfred-extra-pane: /usr/bin/python: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
  5. Thanks @Chris Messina When I select 'likes' I'm now getting taken to this twitter profile rather than my likes 🤔
  6. Just FYI for other users who find this post from a search, Alfred is able to do this now
  7. Hi @Vero, similarly to b_d_m_p I'm wanting to use Web Catalog's standalone apps (in this example, Google Maps). Below is what I got from the Metadata tool. I'm specifically wanting to know what to put in here to make addresses in Alfred open in the Google Maps app not on the website on Chrome:
  8. @Chris Messina could you check out the 'likes' keyword..the configuration seems to be different and it doesn't open up my likes (I'm using the Twitter for Mac app). I changed the config so that it chooses the Twitter app rather than the URL but now even more strangely it opens the twitter app but logged out, and it won't let me log in because that user is 'already logged in'?? Strange!
  9. Not sure whether it's because of an issue with the workflow itself or just needing python updating, but can you add AlfredTweet to the list to check? It doesn't have a git page but exists on packal. Here's the direct link to the workflow: https://github.com/packal/repository/raw/master/jdfwarrior.alfredtweet/alfredtweet.alfredworkflow
  10. Yes, that worked! That one step has got three workflows working for me again. Thanks again.
  11. Hi @vitor, I'm getting the same error on a few workflows but in my case the second query you wrote yields the following result: So am I right in thinking that means it has re-installed python 2 correctly but that it's in a location that the workflows aren't accessing? What can I do to correct this?
  12. Hi @emmanuel & @deanishe, I'm still having trouble with the ESV Bible workflow despite the update. I believed I've correctly installed Python 2 after the Monterey update: "ln: /usr/local/bin/python: File exists" But when I run the workflow I got the following debugging info...is it looking for python in the wrong place? I've been told not to mess around with changing python's location. [10:24:35.666] ESV Online Bible[Script Filter] Queuing argument 'j' [10:24:35.673] ESV Online Bible[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished [10:24:35.675] ERROR: ESV Online Bible[Script Filter] Code 127: /bin/bash: line 1: python: command not found [10:24:36.113] ESV Online Bible[Script Filter] Queuing argument 'jo' [10:24:36.195] ESV Online Bible[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished [10:24:36.200] ERROR: ESV Online Bible[Script Filter] Code 127: /bin/bash: line 1: python: command not found [10:24:36.352] ESV Online Bible[Script Filter] Queuing argument 'joh' [10:24:36.445] ESV Online Bible[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished [10:24:36.449] ERROR: ESV Online Bible[Script Filter] Code 127: /bin/bash: line 1: python: command not found [10:24:36.568] ESV Online Bible[Script Filter] Queuing argument 'john' [10:24:36.575] ESV Online Bible[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished [10:24:36.576] ERROR: ESV Online Bible[Script Filter] Code 127: /bin/bash: line 1: python: command not found
  13. Thanks for your reply @vitor I just factory reset the dictionaries, re-installed the workflow, and added the 1 line of script mentioned and it's now all working. Thanks again
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