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    arsenty reacted to Terminal in Search (the entire) Unicode (and Emoji)   
    Great workflow. Its replacing a previous one, One recommendation. I would either add another script filter to include all skin tones or modify your script to include `["./uni", "-q", "emoji", "-tone", "all", query]).decode()`
    I did that because I like to see all tones.

    I also added a Auto Paste + Transient in Clipboard and No Auto Paste + Transient in Clipboard

  2. Like
    arsenty reacted to biati in Calculate Anything   
    Calculate Anything is a workflow for Alfred 4, that uses natural language and is able to calculate multiple things like currency, time, vat, px, em, rem, percentage, and more.
    There are several conversion workflows out there but I wanted a workflow that worked naturally. For example, you can open Alfred, type `100 + 9` and get a result. No need for keywords or hotkeys -- it just works. With Calculate Anything you can do the same, simply type `100 + 16%`, `100 euros to usd`, `100km to cm` or `100 years to hours` and many more.

    - Natural language - type 100 euros to dollars, 100 euros in usd, 100€ to $, 100eur usd, 100 euros a dolares -- it does not matter, the same result will be displayed It includes support for English, Spanish and Swedish
    - Currency - Up to 168 currencies
    - Cryptocurrency - Support for up to 5,000 cryptocurrencies
    - Units - 100 kilometers to meters or 100 km to m or simply 100km m
    - Data Storage - 100 gigabytes in megabytes, 2 gb to mb, 400MiB to kib, 2tb gb, etc.
    - Percentages - 100 + 16%, 100 - 16%, 40 as a % of 50, 20 is what % of 50, etc.
    - PX,Em,Rem,Pt - 12px or 12px to em or 12px pt
    - Time - time +15 years, time now plus 6 hours or convert a timestamp
    - VAT - value added tax calculations, we all need this
    - Translations You can create your own translations to display results in your language
    - Keywords Extend the natural language in the queries so you can type 100 dolares a pesos and the code will see 100usd to mxn
    You will always find the latest version, changelog and updated documentation on Github as is difficult to use the forum to keep track of updates and support. 
    Requirements for Mac OS Monterey Users and up
    Starting from Mac OS Monterey Apple removed PHP so you have to install it manually, that can easily be done with Homebrew, just open your terminal and paste the commands below:
    1.- Install Homebrew
    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"  
    2.- Install PHP
    brew install php  
    That's it, you need to have the latest version of Alfred and will automatically find the PHP version that you install.
    Mac OS Big Sur users and below do not need to do anything, your Mac OS already includes PHP.

    Download directly from Github releases page, make sure to download the latest release. Download here

    You can configure the workflow using the new Alfred 5 Workflow Configuration window.
    You can use natural language or a few characters -- that's all! For example:
    100 us dollars in mexican pesos 100 canadian dollars in argentinian peso 100 euros to dollars 100 euros in dollars 100 euros as dollars 100 euros a dolares (you can also write it in your own language) 100 usd to mxn 100 usd mxn 100usd yen 100€ to $ 100 ¥ in € 100¥ € 100eur (if no target the currency will be converted to the base currencies that you configured)  
    You can set a base currencies so if you type for example 120 euros it will be automatically converted to the currencies that you configured.
    All these examples just work. You can add spaces between the value and the currency or not.

    Currency Modifiers
    When a result is displayed you can use action modifiers to copy the value in different formats:
    Return - Press Return to copy the value with format, for example 2,376.54 Command + Return - Press Command + Return to copy the value without formatting, for example 2376.54 Option + Return - Press Option + Return to copy the value of a single unit, for example 23.76  
    Currency API Key (Not required)
    By default the workflow will use exchangeratehost api to make the conversion. exchangeratehost only support 32 currencies; if you need support for additional currencies supported by Calculate Anything, you need to get a FREE API Key from https://fixer.io -- it takes less than a minute. Then simply add the API Key in the workflow configuration window.
    Currency Symbols
    You can also use currency symbols in your query for example 100¥ to € will be converted to 100JPY to EUR, here is a list of available symbols.
    Please go to the repo description on Github for a full list of supported symbols it's really difficult to write them here in the forum. View Currency Symbols
    Calculate Anything can convert between 5,000 cryptocurrencies and 168 currencies. Again, you can use natural language or simply pass the currency symbol.
    2 bitcoin to dollars 0.1 bitcoin in dollars 5 bitcoins in ethereum 1 ethereum to ¥ 10 ethereum in mxn 1eth btc 1btc (If no target the currency will be converted to the base currency that you configured)  

    Cryptocurrency Modifiers
    When a result is displayed you can use action modifiers to copy the value in different formats:
    Return - Press Return to copy the value with format, for example 2,376.54 Command + Return - Press Command + Return to copy the value without formatting, for example 2376.54 Option + Return - Press Option + Return to copy the value of a single unit, for example 23.76  
    Cryptocurrency API Key
    You need to get a FREE API Key from https://coinmarketcap.com/api/pricing/ it takes less than a minute. Then simply add the API Key in the workflow configuration window.
    You can write your query using natural language or just a few characters. Either way works!
    100 kilometers to meters 100 km in meters 100 km m 100km m 100 miles as meters 100miles in meters 100 miles to m 100 ounces to kilograms 100oz to kg 100oz = kg 100oz kg 10 years to months 10years to seconds 1 year to sec 1hr s 10 días a horas (use your own language)  
    If you don't remember the unit abbreviation just simply type the name for example instead of "oz" you can type "ounce" or "ounces" or even use words in your own language for exaple "onza" or "onzas" in spanish.

    Please go to the repo description on Github for a full list of units it's really difficult to write them here in the forum. View Units
    Units Modifiers
    When a result is displayed you can use action modifiers to copy the value in different formats:
    Return - Press Return to copy the value with format, for example 2,376.54 Command + Return - Press Command + Return to copy the value without formatting, for example 2376.54 Option + Return - Press Option + Return to copy the value of a single unit, for example 23.76  
    Data Storage
    You can write your query using natural language or just a few characters. Either way works!
    100 gigabytes in megabytes 100 gigas in megas 100 Mebibytes in Kibibytes 100 gb to mb 100gb to kb 100gb mb 400MiB in kib 2tb gb 1b kb  

    Please note, this workflow follows the IEC Standard (International Electrotechnical Commission) as it had been adopted by the IEEE, EU, and NIST. That means that if you type `1MB in KB` you will get `1000 KB` but if you type `1MiB in KiB` you will get `1024 KB`, you can read more about it here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte#Multiple-byte_units
    Do you prefer 1 MB = 1024 KB? No problem, you can configure it in the Workflow configuration window.
    Data Storage Modifiers
    When a result is displayed you can use action modifiers to copy the value in different formats:
    Return - Press Return to copy the value with format, for example 2,376.54 Command + Return - Press Command + Return to copy the value without formatting, for example 2376.54  
    You can easily calculate percentages for example:
    15% of 50 = 7.50  //7.5 equals to 15% of 50 120 + 30% = 156  //120 plus the 30% of 120 120 plus 30% = 156  //120 plus the 30% of 120 120 - 30% = 84  //120 minus the 30% of 120 120 minus 30% = 84  //120 minus the 30% of 120 30 % 40 = 75%  // 30 is 75% of 40.  
    Translations and natural language can also be used
    120 más 30% = 156  

    PX, EM, REM, PT
    Open Alfred, type `12px` and you'll see the value converted to em, rem and pt. It's that simple. Check the examples below.
    12px 12px to em 2 rem 2rem 2rem to pt 12px in em base 17px (use a custom px base or configure it in the workflow)  
    Given its less frequently used, time conversions require the use of the keyword time
    Gives you the current time
    Converts the timestamp to a regular date
    time 1577836800  
    Gives you the time from now plus anything you want
    time +15 days time now plus 3 days  
    Number of days until specified date
    time days until 31 december  
    The start date of current year
    time start of year  
    The start date of specified year
    time start of 2021  
    The end date of current year
    time end of year  
    The end date of specified year
    time end of 2021  
    It also works in your language
    time inicio de 2020 time fin de 2020 time dias hasta 31 diciembre  
    Get information about date
    time 31 December, 2021 18:00:00 time 31/12/2021 18:00:00 time 12/31/2021 18:00:00  
    Calculate the difference between two dates
    time 25 December, 2021 - 31 December, 2021 time 31-11-2019 - 21-11-2019 time 11/31/2019 - 11/21/2019  

    VAT (value added tax)
    With this you can calculate the VAT for a given amount. Like time, VAT is also triggered with a keyword. By default, the keyword is "vat" but you can change the keyword in the workflow.
    Given the following query
    vat of 400 (with a 16% VAT configured, a percentage you can configure)
    Calculate Anything will provide the following conversions:
    VAT of 400 = 64 (the VAT amount) 400 plus VAT = 464 (the Amount plus VAT) 400 minus VAT = 344.82 (the Amount minus VAT, useful if you have a final amount and want to know the VAT applied)  
    The workflow stores some data about currency in the workflow data folder. You can delete the cache by opening Alfred and typing `_caclear`.
  3. Like
    arsenty reacted to jin5354 in [Update!!]Currency converter workflow for Alfred 3   
    I wrote a workflow in ruby to convert currency. Requires Alfred v3.
    Notice: The Old versions(v1.2-) api has been out of service at June 5, 2018. Please update to v1.3+ to keep using currency conversion feature.
    Github  Download
    Support 30+ currency units with fixer.io. Basic support for sign. e.g.,$,¥,£,etc. Customizable displayed currency units and base unit. Input once to get all result.  
    Tap 'cy' to get latest exchange rates. Tap 'cy money' to get exchanged result. You can press enter to send the result to the clipboard. Tap 'add-cy', 'remove-cy' to customize displayed currency units. Tap 'base-cy' to set base currency unit.  
    Hope you like it. 
  4. Like
    arsenty reacted to Snidlwoodsen in Add 2Do Reminder   
    Good day to you ladies and gentlemen,
    just a little introduction:
    When I was looking for a 2Do workflow, I did not find something that really fits my needs. But I found this: http://www.packal.org/workflow/apple-reminders
    That is why I decided to create a 2Do workflow similar to the workflow above.
    You can add following information through Alfred:
    Keywords are: rm, twodo and todo Task title (can't be empty) Due date (if empty or wrong format, it will use your default) Due time (if empty or wrong format, it will use your default) List (if empty or list doesn't exist, it will use your default)  
    Other functions:
    st <keyword> - will search for your keyword in 2Do nt - launches the app with new task screen   
    Some further information to due date and due time:
    Due date formats:
    <day> - will add the current month and current year <day>.<month> - current year will be added <day>.<month>. - current year will be added <day>.<month>.<year> <weekday> - the next <weekday> (f.e. Friday) will be your due date today tomorrow next week in <days> days - due in x days  <days> days - same as above  
    Due time formats:
    <hours> - will add ":00"  <hours>:<minutes>  
    If you have any suggestions, please keep the 2do url-schemes in mind: https://www.2doapp.com/kb/article/url-schemes.html
    But feel free to post them! Also don't forget to ask questions.
    Source: https://github.com/janonymousgit/2doalfredworkflow
    Have a nice day!
    Please let me know if something doesn't work properly.
    Known issues:
    Latest changes:
    Fixed due date issue Added an option to search for keywords (st <keyword>) Added "nt" to open app with new task screen new Git-Source
  5. Like
    arsenty reacted to gilgameshskytrooper in Facebook Messege Send   
    Hey guys, I'm new here, but I've made a primitive workflow that allows you to invoke a Facebook Message Send by the keyword "fb:" Enter full name, return, Enter message content, return, and it sends the message. It does so through a node js script which parses the strings passed in the workflow variable set, and sends a message accordingly
    It's still very primitive, and i borrowed scripts from .
    So far, what it can accomplish is send a message to a name you specify (Which it has to be exact). However, if someone helps me integrate this into the Contacts query workflow platform, I think getting accurate names would be a breeze, and there might potentially be a way to set up message notifications using a similar technique. With both of these elements, this would be a TRULY USEFUL workflow. (I've always dreamt of making one of these)
    The weakness of the workflow in its current state is that
    1) It require you to have node.js and npm
    2) You have to store you Facebook credentials in a plain text file.
    But I am totally open for suggestions, and I have a Github repo set up so that we can continue to improve on the project.
    Here is the Github Repo (I'm trying to get summer internships, so any Github stars would make me look super good to Google  )
    Github Repository for FB Message Sender

  6. Like
    arsenty reacted to nikivi in A way to boost your productivity with Karabiner   
    This is not necessarily a workflow I am sharing but something I use that I love and would really love to share with you. It allows me to use and manipulate all the great workflows you kind people have created and share and use them seamlessly. It also allows me to spike up my usage stats by some pretty wild numbers : 

    The reason is that I don't ever really activate anything using hotkeys any more. I use something called 'sticky keys' and I have achieved using Karabiner. [Here](https://github.com/nikitavoloboev/dotfiles/tree/master/karabiner) is my repository with my config file for Karabiner. I have also put a readme in there to show how I use it and what for. You can just clone the repository and use the settings and change them to what you consider best for you.
    I hope you will like it too. Tell me what you think of it and if you managed to get it to work. You can ask any question you have about the config file I have as it is pretty lengthy.
  7. Like
    arsenty reacted to groenewege in An Alfred workflow to generate fake data   
    When designing or developing I regularly need some fake data : a name, an email address, a credit card number, some dummy text, etc.
    I used the wonderful Faker package by Francois Zaninotto to create an Alfred workflow for those moments when I quickly need some fake data.   Check out my blog post to download the workflow and to learn how to use it :    http://blog.g-design.net/post/121829216975/an-alfred-workflow-to-generate-fake-data   I hope this will be of use.
  8. Like
    arsenty reacted to Silva in LinguaLeo Workflow (Russian -> English translation)   
    LinguaLeo Workflow
    Hello there!
      I've written this workflow for myself but maybe it comes in handy for some other Russian-speaking  people who learn English.    Features: - Translate and pronouncing  words (and phrases) by shortcut - Add words to your dictionary - Output dictionary and filter it only by phrase or words - Other   v1.1.0 can be downloaded here: https://github.com/PazzaVlad/alfred-lingualeo/releases/download/1.1.0/LinguaLeo.Translate.alfredworkflow?raw=true   GitHub repo: https://github.com/PazzaVlad/alfred-lingualeo  
  9. Like
    arsenty reacted to PhilippN in Dict.cc offline translator   
    I coded a little workflow for translation that is powered by dict.cc. I saw this workflow over here http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/8286-dictcc-translate-english-to-german/ and there was some demand for another one that works offline. So here it is:
      Offline translation with dictionaries powered by dict.cc Highly flexible, integrate as many language packs as you want Easy to setup   A little bit hidden features:   Copy the translated word to the clipboard by actioning it Copy the word in the origin language to the clipboard by actioning it with cmd as modifier  

    I tried to make the setup progress as simple as possible. Unfortunately you are not allowed to distribute the offline files, which are provided by dict.cc. But some of them are also very huge, so it is unexpedient too.   You can see here how to configure this workflow: https://github.com/Kavakuo/Dict.cc-Alfred-Workflow#installation    You can download the workflow from the Github Releases page or from packal.org: http://www.packal.org/workflow/dictcc-alfred   Here it is in action: 
  10. Like
    arsenty reacted to Doom in ClipboardHistory Hotkey   
    This is a little "Hotkey-Only" Workflow.
    You can add more hotkeys if you need, I just need 1 to 2 hotkeys.
    This workflow allows you to paste the previous clipboards immediately, without opening Alfred.
    When you copy two things you can paste the last clipboard with CMD + V and the previous clipboard with e.g. CMD + Option + V and the previous with CMD + Option + Ctrl + V.
    After pasting the previous clipboard the order will be changed, so when you paste the previous two times you paste two different things (cause the previous becomes the last one and the last one becomes the previous one, pretty hard to explain and understand, just try it ).
    You can skip as many clipboards as you want (you could add the 9th clipboard with e.g. Option + 9).
    --- link removed, new link in the third post (with explanations) ---
    ps: you have to add the hotkeys after installing this workflow

    edit: sorry for the hyphens in the name, forgot them, please rename if you don't want it at the top of your workflows (all my hotkey workflows are on the top with hyphens)
  11. Like
    arsenty reacted to bachya in LP Vault Manager: A Workflow for LastPass   
    Recently, I became frustrated how fluid/nice/elegant/etc. 1Password integration is within Alfred; being a LastPass user, the frustration arose because I wanted similar functionality for my beloved password manager.
    Thus, I introduce LastPass Vault Manager!
    Current Version: 4.2

    Current functionality:
    log into and out of LastPass search a vault by query search a vault by your browser's front-most tab launch a vault URL in the default browser copy a vault item's username copy vault item's password inspect a vault item's fields (and copy their values) generate random passwords manage many different configuration options easy workflow updating much more! History
    Release v4.2 (2015-01-22)
    Fixed a bug where the full path to /usr/bin/python was not specified. Fixed a settings selection bug. Streamlined some verbiage within notifications. Release v4.1 (2015-01-14)
    Implemented auto-updating. Fixed a few small path bugs. Release v4.0 (2015-01-11)
    Added support for non-ASCII characters. Addresses slow Script Filter results via background updating. Modified documentation to warn against unicode characters in config file. Added ability to inspect a vault item's fields. Added ability to configure filepath to `lpass`. Added ability to toggle uppercase letter use in password generation. Added ability to toggle lowercase letter use in password generation. Added ability to toggle digit use in password generation. Added ability to toggle symbol use in password generation. Added ability to toggle ambiguous character avoidance in password generation. Modified field retrieval to use official `lpass` flags. Modified notifications to be more streamlined. Fixed a bug wherein password generation would fail. Release v3.1 (2014-12-29)
    Added ability to login to LastPass. Added ability to logout from LastPass. Added ability to configure filepath to `lpass`. Added new (and slimmer) icons. Environment-proofed Python path in all scripts and Script Filters. Release v3.0 (2014-12-29)
    Shifted from Ruby to Python. Implemented Alfred-Workflow (including fuzzy search, configuration management, and more). Added `lpbrowser` command to look up default browser's front-most tab's URL in the vault. Configuration management: cache timeout, default browser, number of generated password, and generated password length. Check for whether `lpass` is logged in. Release v2.0 (2014-12-16)
    Added data caching Added command to force data caching Added ability to specify path to `lpass` executable Added fallback lookup for `lpass` executable Changed `lpvs` command to look at vault item name *andURL Major code refactoring Release v1.0 (2014-12-16)
    Added ability to search a LastPass vault. Added ability to launch URL of LastPass item. Added ability to copy username of LastPass item. Added ability to copy password of LastPass item. Added ability to generate a random password. Created documentation. How To Use
    Usage instructions can be found on GitHub: https://github.com/bachya/lp-vault-manager – since I don't like duplicating that info all over the place, the repo will always be the authoritative source. Would love your feedback, feature requests, bug reports, etc. Thanks!
  12. Like
    arsenty reacted to groenewege in Retrieve your important Trello cards   
    I wanted a quick and native way to retrieve my important tasks from Trello, so I created an Alfred workflow to get direct access to my urgent Trello cards. 
    This workflow allows you to retrieve cards by list name or by due date across all Trello boards.   See my blog post to download the workflow and learn how to use it :    http://blog.g-design.net/post/122325916780/access-your-important-trello-cards-with-alfred   Enjoy! gunther
  13. Like
    arsenty reacted to vitor in AlfredBookmarklet — Use a browser bookmarklet via Alfred   
    This workflow is officially deprecated if favour of Alfred’s Automation Tasks. You can find the old source on Github.
    Run browser bookmarklets from Alfred, without needing to having them installed in the browser itself.
    Note that you may need to Allow JavaScript from Apple Events in your Browser.

    For the first step, get this template workflow itself. Though this is not strictly necessary (you can build it yourself) it serves as a starting point with most of the work already done. Proceed to open the workflow in Alfred.

    Next, get a browser bookmarklet to convert by copying its link address.


    Run :cleanbookmarkletcode to clean the code in your clipboard. It performs substitutions necessary to avoid problems when pasting the code in the next step.

    Open the Arg and Vars node and paste the code.


    If you’re not new to Alfred, you likely won’t need these steps as you’ll know what to do.

    The template includes both a Keyword and a Hotkey nodes to run the code. You can delete either one by clicking on it and pressing ⌫.


    If you choose to use the workflow via Keyword, do not forget to set it up.


    Lastly, edit the workflow’s details and its icon. For completeness it’s pre-filled with my details. Feel free to edit them.

  14. Like
    arsenty reacted to DrLulz in Anki Workflow   
    My initial attempt at an Anki workflow. More to come after boards (have to put away addicting things such as Alfred ). 
    I welcome any and all suggestions.
    Download, GitHub, Packal.

    Alfred Anki  
    :anki :aset :apath  
    Anki Terminology:
    Collection = Group of Decks Notes = Collection of Facts Cards = Representation of Facts A note has a one to many relationship with cards, while a card can have only one associated note.  
    Custom Dark Theme:
    Cards (notes) created from the workflow use this theme. Once the first card is created (from within workflow) the theme is available within Anki. The theme comes loaded with jQuery v1.11.2 and plugins Zoom, Magnific Popup, Panzoom (mobile only), and Noty. You can find it in Anki under Tools > Manage Note Types > Alfred Dark. If creating cards from inside Anki the theme has optional fields. Front, F NoteFront side, and optional note Back, B NoteBack side and optional note classThe theme default is to center all text. To adjust text to the left enter left in the class field. NotyShow an optional note on the back-side of the card. Good for reinforcement. httpEntering a URL in this field displays a link in the bottom right on the back-side. Accepts www.site.com without http video - Accepts youtube and vimeo urls. Link to the video is displayed in the upper left on the back-side.  
    Workflow Progression:
    1. :aset
    As of now contains two actionable items.Update collection (manual collection refresh) Set Anki collection path (redirects to :apath) :apathThe workflow looks for the Anki collection in the most typical locations. If the path is not found the user will be prompted to enter the path manually.The default directory is /Users/OSX_NAME/Documents/ANKI_USER/collection.anki2 The default ANKI_USER created when Anki is first run is User 1. If you have changed this, enter your Anki user name. If the path is found :apath is only useful if needing to switch between collections. 2. :anki
    Search the collection for a deckSearch by name, or deck id If the deck doesn’t exist you can create a new deck with the query as the title. Select deck Search for notes within selected deckSearch by facts, or tags If the card is not found you can create a basic, two-sided card (cloze additions on the to-do list). The theme is the custom dark theme described above. Select cardCurrently the only option after selecting a card is to modify its tags. tags are entered as #tag1 #tag2 #tag3  
    This workflow uses the python workflow library Alfred-Workflow (by deanishe). The internal structure borrows *heavily* from the FuzzyFolders and Reddit workflows (also by deanishe). The new_card.py was written by (guess who) deanishe, as a demo for my edification.  
    Anki Sync File Action to import csv’s Sort decks by new, reviewing, missed More robust display of deck/card statistics Open Anki to a specific deck Choose model (theme) when adding cards Allow for cloze cards Rename decks
  15. Like
    arsenty reacted to politicus in :DatyshoSwitcher   
    Nice idea. A workflow I would really love to use.
    Searching in Google Translate via Alfred is not as smooth as your workflow. 
    Had some issues while trying to install alfred via pip 
    clang: error: unknown argument: '-mno-fused-madd' [-Wunused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future] clang: note: this will be a hard error (cannot be downgraded to a warning) in the future error: command 'cc' failed with exit status 1 Mavericks user.
  16. Like
    arsenty reacted to idea4IT in Gmail Client for Alfred   
    Hi folks,
    I'm working on this new workflow which allows you to control your Gmail emails with Alfred.

    Features Quickly access your latest emails with Alfred Supported actions:Mark As Read/Unread Archive Move To Inbox/Trash Quick reply Add label Automatically uses a dark or light icon set depending on your current Alfred theme Background cache refresh Uses the official Gmail API to securely access your Gmail account Uses OAuth 2.0 to authorize the workflow Saves your access_token securely in OS X's keychain  
    Feel free to give some feedback!
    Github: https://github.com/fniephaus/alfred-gmail
    Download-Link: https://github.com/fniephaus/alfred-gmail/releases/latest
  17. Like
    arsenty reacted to jason0x43 in Toggl workflow   
    This workflow lets you interact with your account on Toggl (so, you know, you have to already have an account at toggle.com). It provides a fairly basic level of access; you can view time entries for the past few days (the Toggl API default), start/continue and stop entries, add projects, and generate some basic in-Alfred reports.
    Note: For the most up to date usage notes, release info, etc., please hop over to the workflow's page on GitHub.

    The main keyword is tgl -- that will get you the list of available commands. When you first use the workflow, there's just a login command. After you login more commands will become available.
    timers - List, create, and modify time entries. projects - List, create, and modify projects. tags - List the available tags. report - Get a summary report for today, yesterday, or the current week. The report is grouped by project; tab into them to see times for tasks. sync - Grab the most current data from toggl.com logout - Logout of toggl.com reset - Clear out all local config data and cache This workflow works well in conjunction with the TogglDesktop application.
    For current update status, please see the workflow's release page on GitHub.
    Update 2016-04-15
    The GitHub page is the best place to see the status of this workflow, and is the place to file issues. Head over to the Releases page on GitHub to grab the latest release.
    Update 2015-01-02
    A new release is out with improved support for projects and tags.
    Update 2014-11-22
    Well, after using Toggl for a year or two, I feel like I have a better idea of what to do with it. This version adds some new features (project support, at last!) and some general improvements (faster, easier to understand commands). I've also come up with some better (to me) ways of writing UIs with Alfred, and I got tired of the lag introduced by Python, so this is a total rewrite. Let me know what you think.
    Update 2013-11-29
    I just pushed a couple of updates. There is now a command to quickly stop the current timer, and the workflow maintains project IDs when continuing tasks.
  18. Like
    arsenty reacted to Tom Hightower in Clouds   
    Many thanks to @rosenkrieger for the inspiration. Original thread http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1343-clouddrive-toggler/ *Also mentioned in the read me of the workflow. 
    So what does this workflow do. Type a keyword and a "on", "sync" or "off" argument, which will toggle on/off the desired application.
    You can also toggle off all supported cloud drives by "clouds" and using an argument indicated above. I have chosen the "clouds" on action to NOT reopen Cyberduck and Fetch. This is purely a personal decision as I seldom have
     them open anyway. It would be easy to also add them to the "all clouds" on action should you wish to do so.
    Currently supports and works with the following providers. All were tested on my local machine.
    Version 1
    - Amazon Cloud Drive http://www.amazon.com
    - BitTorrent Sync http://labs.bittorrent.com/experiments/sync.html
    - Box Sync http://box.com  added 1/28/14
    - Cloud http://getcloudapp.com
    - CloudMe https://www.cloudme.com
    - Copy https://www.copy.com
    - Cyberduck http://cyberduck.ch
    - Dropbox https://www.Dropbox.com
    - Dropbox Encore http://www.joyofmacs.com/software/dropboxencore/
    - Dropzone http://aptonic.com/dropzone/
    - Droplr https://droplr.com/‎
    - Fetch http://fetchsoftworks.com
    - GoodSync http://www.goodsync.com
    - GoogleDrive https://drive.google.com/‎
    - OwnCloud http://owncloud.org
    - Skitch http://evernote.com/skitch/
    - SkyDrive https://skydrive.live.com/
    - SpiderOak https://spideroak.com
    - SugarSync https://www.sugarsync.com
    - Syncplicity http://www.syncplicity.com
    - TeamDrive http://www.teamdrive.com
    - Tonido http://www.tonido.com
    - Wuala http://www.wuala.com
    - ZipCloud http://www.zipcloud.com
    -- Experimental Support
       - Ubuntu One   https://one.ubuntu.com
    Special Note: For those using Dropbox Encore
    It is a very convoluted workflow to get things working properly.
    For example if Dropbox (Primary) is not running and Dropbox Encore is running. You wish to START Dropbox.
    --You first have to stop Dropbox Encore and then start Dropbox, then you restart Dropbox Encore.
    The scripts used attempt to automate this for you. However you should always keep an eye on which is running etc.
    It is recommended to have one of the two occurrences of Dropbox using the blue icons and the other using the dark colors
    * Disclaimer added 6/15/2013 @ 1600 EDT, please see the workflow read me section.
    ​* Clarification * I would like to note that the workflow tries to make things as simple as possible. Therefore it does not try to check if you actually have the desired app on your system. It will happily try to run the script even if it is not presently installed. Therefore you should get the standard Mac dialogue box asking where the app is if you do not have it installed. This should serve to indicate you have yet to install the app. 
    Download link to my expanded version
    Version 1 :  http://bit.ly/14NGdTn
    Version 2 :  http://bit.ly/1bOpB2E
    Edit : New link as old was broken
    Edit : Add note about new argument "sync" 01/27/14
    Edit : Added Box Sync and made preliminary changes for SkyDrive's upcoming rebranding, added version number for tracking changes. 01/28/14
  19. Like
    arsenty reacted to rjames86 in Dropbox Previous Versions - beta   
    Hey everyone - 
    I've been playing around with a file action to allow you to restore previous versions of files in Dropbox. Feedback and suggestions welcome.
    Please note this workflow isn't 100% complete. It's worked in my testing, but it probably isn't perfect
    Features include:
    - Support for personal and Dropbox for Business accounts
    - viewing a diff of two files if you have FileMerge installed on your computer (from Xcode)
    - Get a sharable link to a file (not related to previous versions, but still a nice to have)
    - Better errors when things don't work correctly (no FileMerge, you've revoked app access, linked the wrong account)
    - Take advantage of the new shared folder API. I'm testing this in my personal workflow, but it's not ready to be shared yet.
    - Support for more diff tools (Kaleidoscope, etc)
    To get started:
    Download the workflow here Create a Dropbox app at https://www.dropbox.com/developer Be sure to choose Full App access, otherwise it won't work Put the client id and secret into src/config.py in the workflow directory To authenticate:
    - Select a file that's in your Dropbox folder and choose the "Previous Versions" file action. You'll be prompted to authenticate by hitting enter.

    - Once you've approved the app, run dbauth and paste the code. 

    Using Previous Versions:
    Once authenticated, you'll be able to get the last 10 previous versions of a file through the file action

    Hitting Return on any of the versions will give you the option to see a diff of the file. Note that if you don't have FileMerge installed, this will probably just silently fail.
  20. Like
    arsenty reacted to Tyler Eich in Colors—convert color formats & access the OS X color panel   
    Colors v2.0.0
    Get it from Packal (Recommended)
    Quick Summary:
    This workflow can process and convert all CSS color formats and several Objective-C formats, namely NSColor (calibrated and device) and UIColor. It also provides an interface to the OS X color panel for easier color manipulations.
    It's written in native code (i.e. it's really fast).
    Quick Preview:

    You can find a full description on Packal.
    Direct download • source code on Github
  21. Like
    arsenty reacted to Tyler Eich in Duration Calculator — Add and subtract durations of time   
    This workflow extends Alfred's built-in calculator function. It recognizes durations as input and allows them to be added / subtracted. For example, if you type "8:00:18 - 4:19:23" into Alfred, you'll get "3:40:55".
    You may add or subtract as many durations as you like (e.g. "3:32:55 - 5:57 + 4:50:14").

  22. Like
    arsenty reacted to rice.shawn in Google Translate (Languages Configurable)   
    Note: the original version of this workflow utilized an unofficial API that Google Translate exposed. Unfortunately, the Google has shut down the API. There is an alternative workflow that uses the official (paid) Google Translate API that you can find here: http://www.packal.org/workflow/translate-api. It's actually pretty cheap. 
    Here's a little ditty that interfaces with Google Translate. The upside of this one is that it gives you access to all of Google Translate's languages (or at least about 80 of them). You can enable/disable languages from inside the workflow.
    Find it on Packal.

    Current Languages:
    Afrikaans Albanian Arabic Armenian Azerbaljani Basque Belarusian Bengali Bosnian Brazilian Portuguese Bulgarian Catalan Cebuano Chinese Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Esperanto Estonian Filipino Finnish French Galician Georgian German Greek Gujarati Hatian Creole Hausa Hebrew Hindi Hmong Hungarian Icelandic Igbo Indonesian Irish Italian Japanese Javanese Kannada Khmer Korean Lao Latin Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malay Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian Nepali Norwegian Persian Polish Portuguese Punjabi Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Somali Spanish Swahili Swedish Tamil Telugu Thai Turkish Ukranian Urdu Vietnamese Welsh Yiddish Yoruba Zulu
  23. Like
    arsenty reacted to brilin01 in Image Placeholder for web designers via placehold.it   
    Image Placeholder v2.0.1
    This workflow generates an image placeholder url or html img tag via placehold.it for web designers. You can enter your desired resolution for your image placeholder as well as optional background and font colours.
    To download or find instructions with examples go here: Download
  24. Like
    arsenty reacted to targumanu in Safari Reading List   
    This workflow allows you to view, open and add Safari reading list items.
    View all your reading list items (keyword: RL). Search for specific items: Entering "rl apple iphone" will return reading list items whose page title or URL contains both "apple" and "iphone". View (and search) only unread reading list items (keyword: RLU). Add new items to your reading list (using keyword RLADD or hotkeys). Open all unread items (keyword: RLALL).   Direct download   Packal page   This workflow uses the awesome Alfred Objective-C framework.   Updates: v1.1: Option to view only unread Reading List items (default keyword: RLU).
      v1.2: Option to add new items to your reading list (keyword: RLADD).
    If the currently active app is a browser (Safari, Webkit, Chrome, Canary and Chromium are currently supported), you can just press Enter to add the URL of its active tab.
    You can also add URL's by typing or pasting.
    The workflow uses AppleScript to add new reading list items, so it requires Safari to be running.
    However, if Safari wasn't running, the workflow will quit it after it's done. (If you had no open windows in Safari, you won't even notice anything).
    Additionally, the workflow checks if the URL you are trying to add is valid by trying to download the <head> element of the corresponding page. So if you are disconnected from the Internet, or the page you are trying to add is unreachable, the workflow will consider the URL as invalid and won't add it.
    To make it add that URL without checking it for validity, use the modifier key (⌃).
      v1.3: Option to open all reading list items (keyword: RLALL).
      v1.4: The open all feature has been modified to open only unread items.
    (You can still open all your reading list items (including the read ones) by pressing Option.)
      v1.4.1: Fixed a typo
      v1.4.2: Fixed yet another typo
  25. Like
    arsenty reacted to MikeAlt in Toggle fn Key Behavior   
    Toggles behavior of function keys between standard and special features (e.g., volume, play/pause), as described here.

    Specifically, accomplishes the following when keyword "fn toggle" is entered:
    Choose System Preferences from the Apple menu. From the View menu choose Keyboard (or Keyboard & Mouse in Mac OS X v10.5.8 and earlier). Check / uncheck "Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys"
    (Note: when checked, requires holding the fn key to press standard function keys, 
    when unchecked, does not require holding the fn key to press standard function keys)
    Download workflow
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