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Everything posted by lxbrvr

  1. New version! Download https://github.com/lxbrvr/alfred-keepassxc-workflow/releases/download/2.2.0/keepassxc-2.2.0.alfredworkflow 2.2.0 - 2022-07-03 Added Clipboard timeout. Show note details in full text with Opt ⌥ + Return ↵. Request to check for workflow updates. Open url in default browser with Opt ⌥ + Return ↵
  2. New version! Download https://github.com/lxbrvr/alfred-keepassxc-workflow/releases/download/2.1.0/keepassxc-2.1.0.alfredworkflow 2.1.0 - 2022-04-10 Added KeepassXC 2.7 support. Link to search instruction to README.md. Check KeepassXC CLI before executing commands. TOTP request for KeepassXC entries. Changed Requirements for KeepassXC version in README.md. Removed Support for KeepassXC versions before 2.7.
  3. New version! Download https://github.com/lxbrvr/alfred-keepassxc-workflow/releases/download/2.0.0/keepassxc-2.0.0.alfredworkflow 2.0.0 - 2022-03-24 Added Python 3 support. Allow python interpreter selection in the settings. Check python interpreter before executing python commands. Don't reset alfred keyword and python path after resetting during express initialization. Changed Styling of README.md Simplify the usage section in README.md Removed Python 2 support.
  4. @TheThunderChimp Sorry for the late response and thanks for your feedback! Please use version 1.2.0. In this version you can choose a file with any extension.
  5. New version! Download https://github.com/lxbrvr/alfred-keepassxc-workflow/releases/download/1.2.0/keepassxc-1.2.0.alfredworkflow Changes Added Automatically paste entry attributes to front most app with Command ⌘ + Return ↵. Changed Log error to stderr after fail result of security and keepassxc-cli tools. Allow choosing a KeepassXC database with any file extension.
  6. New version! Download https://github.com/lxbrvr/alfred-keepassxc-workflow/releases/download/1.1.0/keepassxc-1.1.0.alfredworkflow Changes Added Add the ability to manually remove the master password from a keychain. Add automatic removal of the master password from a keychain after using "reset" and "init" commands. Show an error message when trying to configure a master password without configured a keychain service or keychain account. Remove an existing keychain record if the keychain name or the keychain service name has been changed in the settings. Changed Change the names of the settings to be more informative Improve informativeness in dialog boxes.
  7. @deanishe thank for your reply! There is a workaround for that. You can replace the current password in keychain with a new value: 1. open the workflow settings (by default kp:settings) 2. choose "KeepassXC master password" 3. type any value or leave the text field blank. 4. Press "Continue" But this is still not a removing. I think it's a great idea to let users remove a workflow data from their keychain. Thank you @deanishe! @xxyxxyxyx1 deanishe told you everything right.
  8. Description Workflow for fetching KeepassXC entries and their attributes. Demo Workflow page https://github.com/lxbrvr/alfred-keepassxc-workflow Features Search KeepassXC entries. Copy different entry attributes. It includes title, username, password, url, notes. Request TOTP for KeepassXC entries. Comfortable configuration using Alfred's UI and MacOS modal windows There are different settings for displaying KeepassXC data in Alfred. For example, you can show KeepassXC attributes which you want. Or you can hide values displaying for KeepassXC attributes etc. You can know more about it below. It works with KeepassXC key files It saves your KeepassXC master password to OSX Keychain. No dependencies. Only Alfred and KeepassXC. Automatically paste entry attributes to front most app. Open urls in default browser. Clipboard timeout. Download https://github.com/lxbrvr/alfred-keepassxc-workflow/releases/download/2.2.0/keepassxc-2.2.0.alfredworkflow Usage Initialization Call Alfred, type kp or type kp:init and select "Express initialization". It'll ask you about KeepassXC database, KeepassXC key file and KeepassXC master password. Search KeepassXC entries Call Alfred and type kp <desired KeepassXC entry name>. For example kp google. It'll show found entries. Select some entry. It'll show entry attribute names. For example title, username, password etc. Select the attribute name. An attribute value will be copied to clipboard. Changelog 2.2.0 - 2022-07-03 Added Clipboard timeout. Show note details in full text with Opt ⌥ + Return ↵. Request to check for workflow updates. Open url in default browser with Opt ⌥ + Return ↵ 2.1.0 - 2022-04-10 Added KeepassXC 2.7 support. Link to search instruction to README.md. Check KeepassXC CLI before executing commands. TOTP request for KeepassXC entries. Changed Requirements for KeepassXC version in README.md. Removed Support for KeepassXC versions before 2.7. 2.0.0 - 2022-03-24 Added Python 3 support. Allow python interpreter selection in the settings. Check python interpreter before executing python commands. Don't reset alfred keyword and python path after resetting during express initialization. Changed Styling of README.md Simplify the usage section in README.md Removed Python 2 support. 1.2.0 - 2022-01-15 Added Automatically paste entry attributes to front most app with Command ⌘ + Return ↵. Changed Log error to stderr after fail result of security and keepassxc-cli tools. Allow choosing a KeepassXC database with any file extension. 1.1.0 - 2021-09-25 Added Add the ability to manually remove the master password from a keychain. Add automatic removal of the master password from a keychain after using "reset" and "init" commands. Show an error message when trying to configure a master password without configured a keychain service or keychain account. Remove an existing keychain record if the keychain name or the keychain service name has been changed in the settings. Changed Change the names of the settings to be more informative Improve informativeness in dialog boxes. 1.0.0 - 2021-08-16 Added First release
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