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  1. @Sam Michel There's a Reddit post by someone seemingly in the same boat as you, their blog post outlines a solution that should also work for you.
  2. @Seagram Here's an example of what I described in my previous post, feel free to drop any other questions you have.
  3. @djjcarroll A quick search online for alfred workflow search safari tabs yielded this workflow which, based on its description, should accomplish what you're looking for:
  4. Since I'm unfamiliar with how the website encodes its URL parameters, my response assumes the link you provided works as is.
  5. @Seagram Welcome to the forum! You'll need to make a Workflow to accomplish this. You can chain a Keyword Input to a Split Arg Utility to an Open URL Action with the URL set to a slightly modified link: https://www.familysearch.org/search/discovery/results?q.givenName={var:split1}&q.surname={var:split2}&q.birthLikePlace={var:split3}&q.birthLikeDate.from={var:split4}&q.deathLikePlace={var:split5}&q.deathLikeDate.from={var:split5}&count=100&offset=0 By default, the Split Arg Utility will split each query item separated by a comma, but you can specify other delimiters (such as a Space).
  6. @Ned You shouldn't need to copy your passwords in the first place. Assuming you're just pasting to the frontmost app, you could output to the console to be passed as a variable or {query} to the Copy to Clipboard Output, making sure Mark item as transient in clipboard is enabled.
  7. The team is unlikely to divulge their accounting, but the company does well. You're not the first person to be curious, so I'll link a recent thread where a similar discussion already took place: The Staff directory is also always available in the Browse navbar at the top of the forum.
  8. As a user of the Dark Reader browser extension, I forgot this wasn't already implemented.
  9. There's also not too much special about the Run Script Action, for the most part it just runs your code. Since code could be anything, any conditional logic or specific error handling is on the programmer to implement. Of course any help you need with that is extremely hard to give without knowing what the Workflow and its code look like.
  10. @MatiasFernandez Welcome to the forum! What's the behaviour if you isolate the script from Alfred? I often like to test and debug these things with a dedicated script file that I run with the Terminal first. That way I'm not troubleshooting my code and Alfred at the same time. At that point you may also find it easier to run your code as an External Script.
  11. It still is built in, it just doesn't work on modern versions of macOS. The feature remains because Alfred still supports older versions. Apple has been breaking the old preference panes system for a while now, and even the current System Settings app isn't consistent year-over-year. The whole system has become so unstable that it's easier to maintain a Workflow rather than push a full update to Alfred itself every time Apple makes a change.
  12. Can confirm Alfred Remote works fine on iOS 18.
  13. @AlexA This isn't possible with the File Filter Input because that's what tags are for. You can configure the File Filter's Search Fields to search the kMDItemUserTags metadata field, with the value set to the relevant tag name. Alternatively, I do have a Tag Finder Workflow with a slightly richer UI.
  14. It would be helpful to know what you're trying to accomplish, I still haven't grasped the goal of your workflow. How do you want it to be triggered, what do you want it to do, and why does it need external triggers? We're well past the original problem at this point, so it seems the question now needs to be "how do I build a workflow to accomplish 'x'?" Once we know what 'x' is, then we can figure out implementation.
  15. @nikivi I checked it out, the reason you're getting (null) is because your Keyword Input doesn't have a configured keyword. Hence the name, Keyword mode requires an actual keyword, otherwise you get null. With a keyword configured, the trigger activates as it should without an icon on the right.
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