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Everything posted by citelao

  1. I believe https://github.com/citelao/Spotify-for-Alfred/releases/tag/v0.13 was the last Alfred 2-compatible release; I do not know if it still works. It is very hard to keep a working Alfred 2 version :(. I'd love to do those things! Take a look at https://github.com/citelao/Spotify-for-Alfred/issues and add some feature requests if you'd like! Ugh, I know! Alfred changed their default theme on me, I think... I've worked around it by using the MacOS theme, but you're right; I should try to change them. See https://github.com/citelao/Spotify-for-Alfred/issues/118.
  2. It controls the Spotify app, just like the iTunes mini player, so you'll need to install the app for anything to work :D. There's a beta API for controlling players remotely, if you have premium, which I can look into, but there are a lot of pain points I'd have to fix before that would work. So just Spotify app for now
  3. Fixed in v0.13.3.1, which I'm posting to Packal and associated now. Thanks @chrsblck!
  4. @samvandersteen @atabbott Fixed in the newest release, v0.13.3. Also, enjoy playlist search and faster hotkeys .
  5. Thanks for the kind words, Sam! Assuming you're running the latest version, which is v0.13.2.1 as of 31 May 2017, try logging in again: Type `s` from the main screen to open the settings menu Select "Login again to my Spotify application" and follow the remaining instructions in the web browser that opens. If that doesn't work, please send me the log file that appears when the error hits (the third option on the error page will open the folder that stores these logs). Good luck!
  6. That's weird—error 400 is "bad request," but you're just searching for "Dorje." Are you still getting the error?
  7. I will fix this bug as soon as I can, but for now you can fix it on your own by following the instructions on this bug. And thanks
  8. You're welcome! The first step is certainly there. I have the power to create playlists in Spotifious now. So someday.
  9. Yeah, it's a bug in the new version. https://community.spotify.com/t5/Help-Desktop-Linux-Mac-and/New-Mac-Update-AppleScript-support-removed/m-p/995843#M104799 You can workaround part of it by editing the info.plist in Spotifious.app/Contents like the solution above says, but "play track" is broken, so you can't queue songs from Spotifious. You can still get player info and play/pause/next/prev though. EDIT: Oh, and Vdebs chimed in. Yeah, reverting to 0.9 will also fix it. Thanks!
  10. Yes! That should be out later today. Watch this page for updates. Also yes! That is going to take a bit longer, but I'm starting work on playlist search and modification, starring stuff, queuing, and more. I'll post again here once I've finished everything for Alfred remote.
  11. Looks like a Packal bug— I guess it doesn't like semantic versioning. I'll release 1.0.0 to fix it as soon as I can. Just don't "update" to 0.9.4 EDIT: Are you using the official Packal updater? I do not get the error with that.
  12. I managed to duplicate your error and fixed it— my notification plugin does not like non-alphanumeric starting characters, so albums that started with parentheses or weird characters would break it. v0.11 is now out! You can get it here.
  13. No probs! Haha— I was going to point that out to you, but you found it out yourself!
  14. I'm considering including this project into Spotifious. It is not on the roadmap now, as it isn't really part of any workflow-related things and would need a helper application.
  15. Haha, I'm glad it worked out. Applescript is weird. Sorry it took so long to fix! Thank you so much! Actually, I have just the thing for you. Here's the dev version. Download it, bind your hotkeys, and it should be exactly what you want! I'm delaying publishing it to make sure everything works with Gatekeeper and the like. In fact, if you get it working with no problem, I'll publish it if you let me know.
  16. Weird. I have a number of things to try, then: If you go to the Workflows pane, select my workflow, and double-click the "spotifious" script filter, you should see instructions in the script field about how to debug unsolveable issues. Could you send me the file it generates? You might want to give the dev version of Spotifious a try, as well. It's available here. Try seeing if somethings messed up with your Applescript: open Script Editor (it's in Utilities) and run the code below. It should give, as a result, the name of the current Spotify track. Let me know what you get! I've also created a GitHub issue for this, if you'd like to continue debug there. Current track: tell application "Spotify" name of current track end tell Activate Spotify: tell application "Spotify" activate end tell
  17. I had that happen at one point— it kinda just went away. Have you tried restarting Spotify, Alfred, or your computer? I can rewrite some code, but I don't know what good it'll do because I cannot duplicate your issue.
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