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Valkiry last won the day on August 28 2013

Valkiry had the most liked content!

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Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. If someone are interested in, i've just released 1.3 version, with some improvements and the ability to simply toggle the visibility of hidden files simply tiping 'hidden'. Check it now! https://github.com/BubiDevs/manage-hidden-files
  2. I've just released 1.2 version. This release has the support for OS X 10.7 and older (but I can't test it) and a great feature: hotkeys. You can simply press: + "Cmd + Shift + H" to hide hidden files + "Cmd + Shift + S" to show hidden files Enjoy! https://github.com/BubiDevs/manage-hidden-files
  3. Yeah, thanks! I think to use something like this: #check version of osx VERSION=$(sw_vers -productVersion) OSX=${VERSION:0:4} echo $OSX if [ "$OSX" = "10.8" ]; then echo "Mountain Lion" else echo "Lion or pre Mac OS X" fi Later today I search in the forum the command to use in 10.7
  4. I've updated the workflow with the suggestion. Enjoy it! PS: I'm going to add support for OS X 10.7 in the next version
  5. Thanks for the suggest! You are right, initially I use "true" because in the command I have to set true in the flag. However I think that "hidden true" it's more natural. Tomorrow I'll update the script and commit it
  6. Hi! I've just created a simple workflow that manage hidden files on OS X. The cool feature is the possibility to see current status of hidden files directly in Alfred (in the subtitle of the extension). You can download extension on GitHub: https://github.com/BubiDevs/manage-hidden-files I'm waiting for your opinion! PS: I've tested It only on 10.8
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