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Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. Dear Vero, I redefine the hotkey for Universal Actions, and it solves the problem. Now the Workflows list is displayed. Thanks for your help! Patricio
  2. Dear Vero, I removed Alfred's accessibility permissions entirely, restarted the computer, and re-added them, but the bug remains. 😫
  3. Dear Vero, - The problem is that the shortcut ALT + } doesn't open the Workflows list. That means I can't select the Workflow I want to execute. - It happens with all applications. - The content is not copied to the Alfred Clipboard, because the Workflow didn't started. - I don't get any errors in the workflow logging, because the Workflow didn't started. Best regards Patricio
  4. Hi, A couple of days ago, I defined a simple Workflow (Universal Action) to convert text to Title Case. I remember that I used the Workflow as follows: 1. I selected a text 2. Launch the Workflow list using ALT+} 3. Select the defined Workflow (MyUpperCase Workflow) 4. Use the transformed text from the Clipboard Today I wanted to use it, but when I type ALT+} nothing happens! I recently actualized to BigSur 11.6 Any ideas? Best regards
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