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  1. okay. Also, I think my problem isn't in the automation permissions. for some reason setting up hotkeys for other apps that other apps doesn't register via Ventura but other operating system they do. So I need to investigate why further. Thanks for your help!
  2. oh gotcha, okay thanks. So just copy and paste it in the preferences? I'm still having trouble getting the ability to add automation permissions on Mac Ventura. Alfred doesn't show up as an option.
  3. how do you run this script? Alfred on Ventura and M2 still doesn't show up in automation for permissions for me.
  4. Nevermind. I figured it out. I had to uncheck and recheck Alfred in the system preferences->accessibility tab and it worked! Thank you again!
  5. Is there possibly something that I need to change in settings. I followed this directly for textedit and it doesn't replace the text for some reason. Thank you for your help!
  6. Also I changed the key command on Alfred to be command command, so I hit it twice to bring up Alfred. Looking for the command+space hotkey to trigger another hotkey in a specific app (F9). Thanks!
  7. Hello! I could use some help with this. I was wondering if Alfred could do a workflow where I press command+space and it fires the key command F9 on a specific app. I have been doing this with bettertouchtool but would love it if Alfred could do it.
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