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Alpha Dorry

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  1. After update to macOS Monterey and alfred 4.6 i am not able to use numi workflowbefore query "n 200 usd to eur" trigerred workflow and it showed me result.after update it only suggests searching the web, but i've disabled web search at all in alfred. For now it looks like space and letter symbols are not passed to workflow.Alfred version: 4.6 [1222]macOS version: 12.0.1https://github.com/nikolaeu/numi/wiki/Alfred-Integrationdirectly in numi parsing works.
  2. After update to macOS Monterey and alfred 4.6 i am not able to use numi workflow before query "n 200 usd to eur" trigerred workflow and it showed me result. after update it only suggests searching the web, but i've disabled web search at all in alfred. For now it looks like space and letter symbols are not passed to workflow. Alfred version: 4.6 [1222] macOS version: 12.0.1 https://github.com/nikolaeu/numi/wiki/Alfred-Integration directly in numi parsing works.
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