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Everything posted by jason0x43

  1. That should be doable, but it will involved editing some Go code. The command that shows the "Weather for XXX" Alfred item needs to be updated to send an argument rather than doing nothing (which is what it does now). That argument would then tell the workflow to stop rather than trying to get forecast data from the alfred-weather binary. You're welcome to try your hand at that, or I could probably look into it in a couple weeks.
  2. I have a paid Apple developer account. So far as I've been able to determine, it's not possible to notarize something with a free account.
  3. Version 1.6.1 is now available on the project releases page. No new features, but it's digitally signed and notarized, so macOS shouldn't raise any security warnings when the workflow is installed.
  4. I'll try to get a signed version of the workflow up in the next few days. That won't do anything for you if you've done the right-click + Open trick, but it will at least nix this problem for new users.
  5. The most recent release (on github) shouldn't have this issue.
  6. Interesting, I hadn't seen that setting before. You learn something new every day! 😄
  7. @pulgalipe Do you mean that the temperature, etc. values aren't visible until you highlight a particular item? If that's the case, it could mean that your color scheme is misconfigured (specifically, the "result subtext" color might be the same as the default background color).
  8. I tested the workflow with ClimaCell this weekend, and I couldn't reproduce any issues (which doesn't mean there isn't a problem, just that it didn't show up for me). One thing to do is run `wtr options` and verify that your ClimaCell key matches what's in your account at developer.climacell.co.
  9. Hmmm...the 403 implies that either the API key is invalid, or they've changed an API. I'll try to take a look this weekend.
  10. Try opening up Alfred's preferences, then go to Workflows -> Toggl, and click the "debug" icon in the upper right of the preferences window. Try getting the status of your active timers (`tgl timers`) and look at the messages that show up in the debug pane. Testing myself (which may not say much since I haven't use Toggl in a while so I have no active tasks), the GET request to toggl.com to load the timers takes 1-2 seconds. Using `tgl timers` again within a short time should use the cache and not make a new GET request. Is the GET request taking a long time, or does it look like it might be something else?
  11. I haven’t looked at this in quite a while, but I imagine it won’t work for new users since Google killed the “works with Nest” API. I believe they plan to open a new developer API later this year, though.
  12. Version 1.6.0 is out with support for a couple of new APIs. Since Weather Underground has been gone for a while and DarkSky is on its way out, I added support for ClimaCell and OpenWeather.
  13. Run `wto`, select one of the *Key options (e.g., DarkSkyKey), hit enter, paste your key, and hit enter again.
  14. Apparently this has been an issue for a number of users. A short term fix is described here.
  15. @Cicilia Thanks for letting me know. I created #55 to track that.
  16. A new release has been posted to GitHub, and should show up on Packal shortly. Give that a try.
  17. Ok, version 1.5.0 is out. I replaced uses of Google's Location API with OpenStreetMaps Nominatim, which seems to work OK, although it's a bit less intelligent than Google's. At least it works, though.
  18. The problem is that Google stopped allowing requests to its Location API without an API key in June, and apparently I haven't used the location feature in a while. :) To fix it I'll either need to switch to some other location service or required all users to get a Google API key, which is a bit of a pain. It looks like OpenStreetMaps has an open location service API; I'll look into that.
  19. I believe you can get that error if you make requests too quickly (like, 5 a second for a couple of seconds), although that’s hard to do with the workflow. When you hit a transient limit (as opposed to the 1000 query per day limit) it should reset in a few minutes. Are you still seeing the issue?
  20. Did you set the service to Dark Sky?
  21. So, it looks like maybe you're not getting astronomy data (which contains sunrise and sunset times). Try accessing the API address from your debug log directly in the browser. (http://api.wunderground.com/api/xxxxxxxxx/conditions/alerts/hourly/astronomy10day/forecast10day/q/xx.xxxxxxx,yy.yyyyyy.json). You should get back a page full of JSON data that contains a section starting with "astronomy10day": [ { "day":0, "sunrise": { "date": { "epoch":1525688961, "hour":6, "mday":7, "min":"29", "mon":5, "pretty":"6:29 AM EDT on May 07, 2018", "sec":21, "tzname":"EDT", "year":2018 Is that section in there?
  22. I'll look into it. https://github.com/jason0x43/alfred-weather/issues/6
  23. Ah, sorry, I apparently didn't update Packal with the last couple of releases. I'll work on that, but the most up to date info is always on GitHub at https://github.com/jason0x43/alfred-weather/releases. Try the newest release. If that still isn't working, open the debug panel for the Weather workflow in Alfred and post any errors you see there.
  24. The current version of the workflow didn't have support for apparent ("feels like") temperatures; I've added that to version 1.3.0. Regarding the discrepancy between hourly and daily forecast, that happens sometimes. The workflow isn't actually interpreting the data to generate the forecast text; the text comes directly from the service (Dark Sky or Weather Underground). Sometimes the textual descriptions may not appear to agree with the hourly data. You can double check the workflow by visiting the relevant service (Dark Sky or Weather Underground) and double checking that what the workflow says agrees with a forecast for your location (or whatever location you were checking with the workflow).
  25. Hmmm...your config seems fine (it works for me), so there must be something else going on here. Could you open your Alfred preferences, go to Workflows, pick the Weather workflow, and the select the "debug" icon (looks like a bug) in the upper right to open a debug terminal? That should open a debug pane under the workflow in the Alfred preferences window. Then try getting a forecast, the post what's displayed in the debug pane (filtering out anything you'd rather not post).
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