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Posts posted by credford

  1. @Vero Fair enough. All I mean by "totally broken" is that Evernote crashes when I run "ent". That's it. "enn" works. Those are the only two commands I use regularly, with a rare need for "ens" if I titled a note poorly.


    I'm using the App Store version of Evernote 6.12 and the workflow v9 beta 2. I don't see a different version of the workflow for the App Store version.


    I have found a work-around: I can keep the main Evernote window open and minimized and that makes "ent" work again. Before Evernote 6.12, I could run "ent" without the main Evernote browser window open and it would pop up whatever note I searched. If I do that now, Evernote crashes.

  2. I use this workflow every day, multiple times a day. It has revolutionized the way I use Evernote. Thank you.


    I have one feature request: partial match of at least ent, maybe ens if it makes sense. For example, if I am looking for the note called "Media Times", "ent me" returns a blank list. I have to type all the way to "ent media" before I get results.


    Thanks again.

  3. curiosity: why would you need to restart Alfred? Do you need to do it so often that you need a workflow for it?


    I have Alfred on my work computer and home computer and am constantly updating the workflows on one or the other. A restart is required to load the settings stored in iCloud by one computer to the settings on the other.

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