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Everything posted by ridogi

  1. spotlight comment works, but reload did not.
  2. Oh, and I can open it by typing fire. Alfred can see it, so it is just the ff shortcut doesn't work.
  3. Since upgrading to Alfred 2 I have not been able to launch Firefox by typing ff. I am able to launch Chrome with gc, Activity monitor with am, etc. Typing ff just shows it as a search query: Search Google for "ff" Search Wikipedia for "ff" I'm on 2.0.5 with 10.6.8, and have the same issue on 3 computer. Preferences are synced with Dropbox. Firefox is at 21 and in /Applications
  4. Thanks, works great. Would VPN Tracker support be possible?
  5. This is great, thank you. My issue is that it opens in the background, but modifying your script to this switches the active application to remote destkop: on alfred_script(q) tell application id "com.apple.RemoteDesktop" control computer id q tell application "Remote Desktop" activate end tell end tell end alfred_script
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