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Everything posted by dfay

  1. Here's a crack at it: https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/11398-finder-scripts-including-opening-in-a-single-window/
  2. This is a workflow I've cobbled together from various sources, notably some modifications to https://github.com/NapoleonWils0n/bashfinder , which is actually a bash front end for a lot of AppleScript. It contains the following commands: fo - open a folder in the frontmost Finder window (also available as a File Action) fo:i - open a folder in the frontmost Finder window with Icon view (also available as a File Action) fo:c - open a folder in the frontmost Finder window with Column view (also available as a File Action) fo:l - open a folder in the frontmost Finder window with List view (also available as a File Action) all - open "All My Files" (Sierra) or "Recents" (High Sierra and later) in the frontmost Finder window - this uses a Key Combo action ⌘⇧F icloud - open iCloud Drive in the frontmost Finder window - this uses a Key Combo action ⌘⇧I fat - choose and open an existing tab or window rf - open a recent folder in the frontmost Finder window fi - set frontmost Finder window to Icon view fc - Set frontmost Finder window to Column view fl - Set frontmost Finder window to List view fg - Set frontmost Finder window to Gallery view (i.e. icon view with big icons and a dark background - this is my own take on a Gallery view, which predated the official one introduced in Mojave) fw - Close frontmost window and reopen active tab (i.e. close all tabs except the active one) merge - Merge All Windows (same as menu command) fcfix - set filename column width to 400 clip - show the Finder clipboard (I bet you didn't know there was such a thing....) There is a single environment variable: openInNewTab set it to 0 to open in the frontmost window (replacing the existing contents) or 1 (the default setting) to open in a new tab in the frontmost window By using fo and its variants, you can effectively have Alfred open folders in a single window as requested here: https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/11393-opening-folders-in-the-same-finder-window/?do=findComment&comment=59570 and here: https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/11327-any-way-search-open-a-folder-in-same-finder-window/?tab=comments#comment-59276 v.0.5 (2019-06-08) Added fat keyword (was going to use ft but it was constantly confused with FaceTime) v.0.4 (2018-08-06) Added icloud and all keywords v.0.3 (2018-04-08) Added file actions Added rf and fw keywords v.0.2 (2018-04-06) Added openInNewTab Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u1bchxchlm4c1q3/Finder scripts.alfredworkflow?dl=0
  3. Yes, I agree - keeping current or allowing selection of Finder views would also be a big help. There may be an AppleScript solution but I haven't worked on it.... I did look again at PathFinder briefly but am glad to hear your verification of my decision not to go that route
  4. You could add the keyword to add to pinboard to your fallbacks & set fallbacks to "Intelligently show fallbacks at the end of results" -- depending on "intelligently" that might bring it up every time.
  5. I can't remember where I first posted this, but .....Any chance of an ios keyboard in v2 with synced snippets?
  6. You could certainly use Alfred to launch such a task if it’s possible, but you’d need to see if it is possible — generally the Applescript support in MS Office is quite good if quirky, but I haven’t tried scripting OneNote.
  7. yes that was explained in the parens above but I agree, mailto: links will be better if you are using 3rd party mail clients
  8. Yes just create a workflow to run the following Applescript (this will send an empty message as written - you can delete the send command to send manually or add code before it to set the content). tell application "Mail" set m to make new outgoing message tell m make new to recipient with properties {name:"someone", address:"someone@somedomain.com"} send end tell end tell
  9. http://ocrkit.com/help/ I don’t know about how it’s performance compares but I’ve had very few issues with quality.
  10. This is built into the latest version of the workflow as a script filter - see the top post.
  11. Yeah free OCR in my experience has always been a source of frustration in the end. Since I gave in and bought OCRKit a couple years ago I've been using OCR much more, with very few issues. It has a CLI and decent AppleScript support, & thus integrates quite easily with Alfred.... All of which is to say investing in free OCR is probably not the best approach.
  12. Unfortunately these all depend on various services that were provided by the Sherlock app itself. But I'd bet that all of them can be replaced by existing Alfred workflows or custom searches.
  13. Let me try to get in touch with the author ...
  14. Updated the description and the link in the top post above.
  15. if you use BibDesk this is your best bet which works much better than the later one by smargh , which has more features but is unusably slow with my master .bib with 6500 entries or so. otherwise you’ll need to include a library and parse the bibtex yourself in your language of choice
  16. see this post and the code therein
  17. I regularly use an iPad as a second monitor for my Mac (with Duet). I'd love to have Alfred Remote floating above it in Slide Over.
  18. Any updates or further thoughts on this? There are a couple of newish iOS apps that have some similar functionality but easier (if not necessarily prettier) UI Quadro: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/quadro/id981457542?mt=8 1600+ icons included Keymand: http://keymandtech.com
  19. if it’s just a single script and single word queries it’s relatively easy - e.g. set x to word 1 of “{query}” set y to word 2 of “{query}”
  20. Use a Launch Apps / Files workflow action. https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/actions/launch-apps-files/
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