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Everything posted by dfay

  1. You don't need two lists. Just create one with your desired searchable text duplicated in the Title and the Subtitle fields. e.g. myTitle,mySubtitle,myArg mySubtitle,myTitle,myArg
  2. @edjr if you look in the thread for that Units workflow there’s a bash script which can replace the php script, which did nothing except call curl and hence didn’t need to be in php at all.
  3. It’s a rough road to head down but AS UI Scripting can probably help you here: The script at the last link is esp. helpful: http://hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=20111208191312748
  4. I think he means triggering a shortcut on an iOS device to control Alfred Remote, not running them on a Mac.
  5. See basically you need to create a workflow for each one b/c they're not really folders (example is for Scanbot, in bash): open "/Users/yourusernamehere/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~net~doo~scanbot/Documents" osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to activate'
  6. Yeah I added that per your request - took way longer than expected because of issues building the json dict but it's done. The download link is the same.
  7. Take a look at Even if you don’t want the fuzzy search, it’ll be modifiable to create a list filter that reads and updates from csv.
  8. I rarely use quicklook from Alfred but this seems like it should be easy to implement…..
  9. Thanks again @deanishe, that works great and my workflows are now php-free! Now I just need to go to work on Python 2.x....
  10. I’d recommend a Mac with a Touch ID keyboard, if your budget allows it.
  11. FWIW I just searched for php in my workflows folder, and I came up with about 5 that I had disabled several years ago & which I deleted, and only one active one, the Units workflow ( ) which seems to just be using PHP to launch curl. Maybe we could come up with a list of workflows that are still in use with PHP? I'm not sure there are that many.
  12. Given that the php here is basically a front-end for curl , could this be easily rewritten in a language that will ship with Monterey?
  13. Here are a couple of updated workflows of mine: https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/2180-case-converter-including-title-case/ https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/4818-code-case/
  14. I've actually had this disabled for the last few years. Glad to see it was such an easy fix.
  15. Get the current URL as a URL, Page Title or Markdown link. There are three snippets which paste immediately in the active app, and three Universal Action triggers which will copy to the clipboard when invoked on a URL. https://www.dropbox.com/s/dl/wisja3ppi2g31aw/Browser snippets.alfredworkflow Originally based on https://www.asianefficiency.com/technology/save-time-with-expert-level-textexpander-snippets/
  16. yes please! this would be a great help!
  17. Hi I started building my own workflow to search and open groups & just came across yours. I have a Q. re: your AppleScript - it looks like you run a recursive function to get all the subgroups - which was where I was struggling....is this correct, and is there no other way to do this? thanks Here's my script filter code, featuring annoying tricks to avoid reserved words in AS, decent on the free JSON Helper app in the MAS: https://gist.github.com/derickfay/8ee52862be556f5e3eb9c759514f26b2
  18. Looks great, but it doesn't show the date for future all-day events. Haha Nandos - are you in ZA?
  19. I'm working on resolving some issues in a BibDesk search workflow, and the script works fine externally but not in Alfred. Unfortunately the errors are appearing in the log after it's truncated. Is there any possibility of an option to shut this off?
  20. That's the AS code to get the computer name. I'd run that line by itself in Script Editor to see how it works. I just used the open command but you could have it return different strings with the paths if you'd prefer. Presumably you'd need to change the tell as well - the open command is specific to ChronoSync. See https://discussions.apple.com/thread/7761153
  21. I love idea #1 re: variable truncation. I’ve been dealing with a similar issue in DEVONThink & there it seems there’s no way to control truncation.
  22. Which time zone workflow is this? If you can post in the original thread that will have the best chance of getting the creator / maintainer's attention.
  23. I don’t know if this is intentional but if you’re using Ulysses and focused on a sheet (in the list) the Universal Action returns and lets you act on the sheet’s URL. Which is freaking awesome b/c it’s a bunch of keystrokes or option-right-click otherwise.
  24. Yeah there’s a lot of nice stuff with the external keyboard that hasn’t been really picked up in the coverage of iPadOS 15 to date. There’s also a floating equivalent of the MBP Touch Bar but on screen. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a new Swift UI component which Cloutie is using as well. See https://developer.apple.com/documentation/SwiftUI/ToolbarItemPlacement/keyboard?changes=_1
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