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Posts posted by dfay

  1. TextExpander (legacy) is what they renamed TE Touch to be.


    Here's the setup in Hazel:


    this assumes anything you don't want to sync is tagged notForTE


    Rule 1. for your Alfred snippets folder:



    Rule 2. (same location)


    with the embedded script set to the first line here (I also sync to Copied, but I'll just cover TE for now) -- replacing the squiggles with the correct path to the script below:





    you'll need to specify the TE group where you want the synced snippets to appear and add the uuid to the script.

    I just created a new TE group for sync purposes, then went to


    Settings.textexpandersettings > Show Package Contents 

    and found the new group file there.


    The uuid is just the group file


    e.g. group_E65531A8-88BA-4619-B5D1-B954AC3DC0FF_4733813705.xml


    without the group_ at the beginning and the .xml at the end 


    e.g. E65531A8-88BA-4619-B5D1-B954AC3DC0FF_4733813705

    import argparse
    # from plistlib import readPlist, writePlist - no longer writing TE plists directly
    import json
    import os
    import uuid
    from datetime import datetime
    # UUID for target group for new snippets in TextExpander
    teTargetGroup = "your uuid goes here"
    def get_te(abbreviation=None, plain_text=None, label=None):
    	return {
    		'abbreviation': abbreviation,
    		'abbreviationMode': 0,
    		'creationDate': datetime.now(),
    		'label': label,
    		'modificationDate': datetime.now(),
    		'plainText': plain_text,
    		'snippetType': 0,
    		'uuidString': str(uuid.uuid4()).upper()
    def a2te_replacements(s):
    	# in theory this should be extensible to handle date formats and date math...
    	return s	
    def transform(direction, source):
    	if direction == 'AlftoTE':
    		source = source['alfredsnippet']
    		source = a2te_replacements(source)
    		return get_te(abbreviation=source['keyword'], plain_text=source['snippet'], label=source['name'])
    		raise Exception('Unsupported direction')
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Alfred-Expander Sync')
    	parser.add_argument('direction', choices=['AlftoTE'], default='AlftoTE')
    	parser.add_argument('--alf', default=None, help='Alfred json snippet')
    	args = parser.parse_args()
    	source = args.alf
    	with open(source, 'rb') as source_fp:
    		source_json = json.load(source_fp)
    	s = transform(args.direction, source_json)
    	# use TE AppleScript rather than modify plist directly
    	cmd = """osascript -e 'tell application "TextExpander"
    		set g to every group whose ID is \"""" + teTargetGroup + """\"
    		tell item 1 of g
    			make new snippet with properties {plain text expansion:"""+"\""+s['plainText']+"\","+"abbreviation:"+"\""+s['abbreviation']+"\",label:\""+s['label']+"\"}"+"""
    			end tell
    	end tell'"""

    Incidentally the argument parser is completely unnecessary since there's only one option, but it's a legacy from having used this to get started:



  2. Or to continue with AS, look at the examples here:



    This is what I used to figure out how to do the recent folders and active folders scripts in 






    And here's a solution for you:


    set theList to {"Red", "Green", "Blue"}
    # What next?
    -- import JSON library
    set workflowFolder to do shell script "pwd"
    set json to load script POSIX file (workflowFolder & "/json.scpt")
    -- Create and add items
    set theItems to {}
    repeat with i from 1 to count theList
    	set end of theItems to json's createDictWith({{"title", (item i of theList) as text}, {"uid", i},{"arg", (item i of theList) as text}, {"subtitle", "Same Words " & (item i of theList) as text}})
    end repeat
    -- Create root items object and encode to JSON
    set itemDict to json's createDict()
    itemDict's setkv("items", theItems)
    return json's encode(itemDict)


  3. If I'm not mistaken the pull down menu is what's referred to in AppleScript as a pop up - the Keynote script above uses this code to select a preset from the same kind of menu:


    set thePopUp to first pop up button of sheet 1 of window 1 whose description is "Presets"
    		click thePopUp
    		click menu item "6x" of menu 1 of thePopUp


  4. UI scripting can be done in AppleScript (and I think it will be the same process for Alfred and KM, but I don't use KM) -- but it does tend to be fragile.  


    see this for an example that still works after six years, with a print sheet (i.e. same kind of element you're looking at)




    I was only able to create this by using the script here to identify the UI elements:



    see also the resources in this thread: 


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