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Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. Thank you for the reply !!! This is the same URL I used https://search.11st.co.kr/Search.tmall?kwd={query} in both workflows This is the URL result from what I manually searched https://search.11st.co.kr/Search.tmall?kwd=%EA%B0%80%EC%8A%B5%EA%B8%B0 "%EA%B0%80%EC%8A%B5%EA%B8%B0"< is the query part and I searched humidifier in Korean, which is 가습기 in Korean. This is the URL result from your workflow. https://search.11st.co.kr/Search.tmall?kwd=가습기 You are right. the results are different. But I used the same URL that I used in my workflow. It seems like English searching shows the same results unlike Korean searching. This is the same URL result from both ways https://search.11st.co.kr/Search.tmall?kwd=humidifier.
  2. I thought it works, but somehow it doesn't work. It does search on every websites I add in the search.txt file. But the search results are different when I manually search the same thing on the same website. I add the same URLs with {query] that I used on the workflow I made above. So, basically I can't get the right search results by using your workflow. I don't know what I did wrong. anyways, thank you for your effort.
  3. Hello. Thanks for the comment, but I don't know where "the searches.txt" file is, though I downloaded the workflow. I can't find the file. There is only this Multi Search.alfredworkflow file.
  4. Hello. I know nothing about making programs or anything. I need some help here. What I want is to make a workflow that searches the websites that I want without manually connecting keyword and all the open url actions. I want something that I can simply add as many URL including {query} as I need. I know how to make URL including {query}. I know this could be too much to ask but can anyone make a sort of script or anything that I can use by adding new url or at least let me know what to study to make this?? Please help me. This is what I have... there will be much more URL actions.
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