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  1. That indeed is how I would do it in LaunchBar. But I still am puzzled. If I type 'nw' in Alfred, how do I select the Network preference pane so that I can teach Alfred what I mean? And also: how do I add a tag if that is required?
  2. I have been a long-time LaunchBar user (since 2004 I believe) who has decided to make the switch to Alfred - as I everywhere hear/read raving reviews. So far, I am indeed impressed by the power and flexibility of Alfred, wow! As an Alfred newbie, there is one super handy LB feature that should be there in Alfred as well, but I can't seem to find it: intelligent abbreviations when launching apps. For instance, I am used to type 'nw' to launch the System Preferences' Network pane. Or 'lr' to start Lightroom Classic. 'ol' for Outlook. etcetera. Sometimes in the past I even created a LaunchBar abbreviation that did not match the app name at all, eg 'm' to launch the Spark application, since I always use 'm' for mail and sometimes change mail apps). My simple question: how can I make Alfred respond easily to these abbreviations that are engraved in my muscle memory? I know I can add custom web searches (e.g. linking 'ol' to file:///System/Volumes/Data/Applications/Microsoft Outlook.app) but that seems cumbersome and not very future-proof (what if a path slightly changes with a new update)? Happy to get your advice!
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