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Everything posted by tanepiper

  1. Thanks to Dave earlier, I got my script working. However I've been debugging a problem for a while and haven't been able to come up with a solution. The issues seems to be with my script that any spaces seem to kill the script and default back to Google/Amazon/Wiki search. To test it wasn't my code, I've done the following example lines: $filter = preg_split("/\s/", trim("web 1")); $filter = preg_split("/\s/", trim(str_replace('-', ' ', "{query}"))); In the first case, I run the PHP script from the command line and it works fine. In the second one, when I need to put a space in I instead do a dash (so I can do'web-1' or '1-web') and in both cases it works fine. But try 'web 1' in Alfred, and it breaks after I do 'web' then space. I was just exploding on the space as well in previous versions, but had no luck getting this to work. Any ideas? (Oh I should say this is a PHP script)
  2. Thanks very much - the if statement might need fixed as it's returning all results - but other than that it's working as I expected (you had $name twice in the strpos) Awesome job edit: here is my updated code: require_once('workflows.php'); $w = new Workflows(); $data = array( 'Web 1 Production Site' => 'http://www1.production', 'Web 2 Production Site' => 'http://www2.production', 'Web 1 Staging Site' => 'http://www1.staging', 'Web 2 Staging Site' => 'http://www2.staging', ); $filter = "{query}"; foreach( $data as $name => $site ): if ( $filter && ( strpos( strtolower( $site ), strtolower( $filter ) ) !== false || strpos( strtolower( $name ), strtolower( $filter ) ) !== false ) ): $w->result( 'saved.site', $site, $name, $site, 'icon.png', 'yes', $name ); endif; endforeach; echo $w->toxml();
  3. Hi there, I've been trying to get a workflow that's sort of like text expansion working, but with a specific task of storing URLs for our internal sites. For example, I don't want to have to maintain a giant list of inputs and outputs to clipboard for this - I'd rather have something like: Input: ,fa <space> <keywords> In the array would be: $data = array( 'Production Server 1' => 'http://www1.production' 'Production Server 2' => 'http://www2.production' 'Staging Server 1' => 'http://www1.staging' 'Staging Server 2' => 'http://www2.staging' ); So for example I'd like to start typing `,fa pro` and have it return the two production servers to the list as their names, and when selecting one have the URL from the data be sent to clipboard. I had a working version but nothing would get returned to Alfred to let me select - I would have to either type out the whole string (e.g. 'Production Server 1'), or have short codes (i.e. instead of Production Server 1 have ps1). Any help on this would be much appreciated!
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