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Everything posted by iansoper

  1. Something to consider is how Sketch.app deals with a extension/plugins ecosystem: Plugins Directory - this is the official directory for all the extension https://www.sketchapp.com/extensions/plugins/ They have a github repo with json files as the source of truth for the extension directory, plugin creators are required to submit a pull request to this repo to get their extension included. https://github.com/sketchplugins/plugin-directory There is a command line utiltity to help create and publish sketch plugins (to the official repo): https://github.com/skpm/skpm Sketch maintains the list (plugin-directory), they don't host the plugin/extension files, those are generally in Git repos. They also have a good interface for turning them on, off, updating them, etc. This approach has created a vibrant plugin ecosystem and users can easily find, install and keep their plugins up-to-date.
  2. Sure, that would be great! I just put it up on github so feel free to make a pull request and I'll update the workflow on packal.
  3. This workflow is an action on a folder that allows you to open the path of that folder into a new session in iTerm. To use, select a folder in Alfred then press → to open the action panel and select "Open in iTerm". Download workflow on Packal
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