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Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. Hello there!) Modified some KeePassXC workflow that starting with ScriptFilter asks user password name and then using "/bin/bash" with "input as query". Internals of bash script are using something like this: security find-generic-password -a $(id -un) -c 'kpas' -C 'kpas' -s "${keychainItem}" -w "${keychain}" |\ keepassxc-cli locate -q "$database" "$query" | grep -Ev "\/Recycle Bin\/" Password for my keePassXC database is saved in MacOS in custom-named KeyChain with its own password and timeout parameters. So after some idle time its auto close this custom-named KeyChain. Its all working fine, with one drawback - every time when idle time is over, ScriptFilter asks closed custom-named KeyChain for saved inside keepass database password and reciving this default UI for keychain's own: After this workflow breaks and all user input is cleared. Is there a way to make Alfred continue\restart its workflow with already entered input after this UI without additional hustle?
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