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Everything posted by _mk_

  1. Version 3.0 is out Version 3.0 of the workflow is complete re-write to make the code easier to maintain. This should also fix the issues for users that did not get any results with the old version. Please see the first post for more details. Be sure to manually download the workflow. Alleyoop will not work for this update as the workflow URL changed. Download
  2. I'd also love to see this feature. I used CopyPaste Pro which also lets you cycle through your clipboard history with repeated presses of CMD+V. That way I only have to move the finger pressing the V to cycle. Changing finger position to cycle through results is too inconvenient. Is there a way to control Alfred's clip history from a workflow?
  3. xargs is doing the same as the for loop. It reads the filenames from stdin, splits them at the null character and executes <your_script> for every single filename.
  4. You should use VAR="{query}" to avoid problems with strings containing spaces.
  5. I am doing it this way: FILES="{query}" OLDIFS="$IFS" IFS='<tab>' for f in ${FILES[*]}; do # do whatever you want with $f done IFS="$OLDIFS" Using VĂ­tor's solution requires you to create a temporary file. If the data is not needed anymore after processing it, I would omit the file system operation and use the array.
  6. I think the problem here is that Alfred learns your most used results and sorts them by priority. You could try to use a random UIDs for your inline results. Since version 2.0.3 Alfred also supports leaving the UID empty. Check back with David if his PHP workflow handler supports this. Either way will force Alfred to show the results in the pre-defined order without learning preferences.
  7. @nickwild You have to run the scripts from inside the workflow directory: cd /Users/emory/Dropbox/Application\ Support/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.E1A1A3ED-90BF-4B96-BD56-16B26C7193D3 ./getTasksInInbox.sh Do you still get errors if you run the scripts like that? I am currently rewriting lots of the workflow code. Please hold on for a few more days.
  8. I thought of adding the color to the file icon in the file list. You could also move the already set label to the top of the list. But this could cause user confusion, too...
  9. If you already updated to that version that should not be the problem. It will only cause problems if you haven't already updated.
  10. Have you updated to the latest Alfred build 2.0.3 (187) that supports the workflows to omit the uid attribute of the result items?
  11. What about setting the icon according to the label color?
  12. That's the intended behaviour. The black squares are your visitors and the white ones are your additional pageviews. I tried to create a graphical representation of the data be make it easier to see the current trend.
  13. Alfredlytics - Google Analytics Workflow Features This workflow shows Google Analytics metrics and dimensions directly in Alfred 2: Visitors / Pageviews of the last 7 days Top Pages of the last 30 days Top Referrers of the last 30 days Top Searches of the last 30 days Installation Download and import into Alfred 2. Usage Keywords Before you can use the workflow you have to configure your Google Analytics account. This will use Google OAuth2, so you will not have to save your Google credentials with the workflow. Setup 1. Authorize the workflow to access your Google Analytics data: .gaauth [Google Auth Code] First call the keyword without an argument. This will redirect you to Google's authorization website. Copy the auth code and call the keyword a second time with the auth code as argument. 2. Choose your default profile: .gaprofile After you have authorized the workflow you have to choose your default profile. Show Google Analytics data .ga Currently you can view these metrics/dimensions: Visitors / Pageviews of the last 7 days Top Pages of the last 30 days Top Referrers of the last 30 days Top Searches of the last 30 days Credits Thanks to Jeffrey B. Murphy and Mario Alemi for their excellent articles on Google OAuth2 authentication on the shell. Some of the icons are part of the "Web Design" icon pack created by Liam McKay.
  14. You have to use the new devondb keyword to search a specific database. This will also create the database list in the workflow data folder. If you only have one database you can continue to use the devon keyword and no database list will be created.
  15. Version 1.3 Sorry, I uploaded the wrong package yesterday. I should not release new versions late at night in the future... Please see first post for download link.
  16. Version 1.2 This version fixes a bug of yesterday's version 1.1 that did not create the workflow data directory to store the database list.
  17. It's not Alfred's fault but mine. I just forgot to add the code to create the folder.
  18. Ahh ... my fault. The com.markokaestner.devonthinksearch folder is missing on your machines but will not be created. So the database list cannot be stored. Seems that I'll have to create a new release when I am home this evening. Sorry for the inconvenience. In the meantime you could create the folder manually to get the workflow up and running: mkdir -p "~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/com.markokaestner.devonthinksearch"
  19. Hmm ... so the setup script finds your databases. Could you please check if there is a file called databases in ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/com.markokaestner.devonthinksearch What does the devon.log inside the workflow directory say?
  20. Have you tried the devondb! keyword to update the database list? If that's not working, could you run the setup script from inside the workflow directory and send me the output.
  21. Version 1.1 The workflow was updated to version 1.1 and add's the possibility to only search in a specific DEVONthink database if multiple are available. The association between database names and uuids can only be obtained via AppleScript. This is done automatically if you run the "devondb" command for the first time. The information is then cached for better performance. If you add a new DEVONthink database later on, you'll have to run the "devondb!" command to refresh the database list. See the first post for more details.
  22. I added Alleyoop support and moved the workflow to my GitHub repo. I also created a new topic to be able to maintain it with future updates. Go to the new topic...
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