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  1. Version 0.7 of Compress now supports compressing each selection to individual ZIP files if the Option key is held down when selecting the action. I assume that the Alfred Gallery will pick up the new release soon.
  2. Thanks. I had not really internalised that the connection lines had properties!
  3. Is it possible to detect that the option key is being held down when a file action is executed? I'd like my Compress to Zip file action to do something different if option is pressed. Otherwise, I guess I need to add a second file action with a similar name?
  4. Bit of a 🤦‍♂️ moment when I saw the quote issue and TIL about the EXIT pseudo-signal. Thanks! Both fixed, along with removing the unnecessary query variable. I suspect that realpath isn't really needed, but really everyone should be upgrading to Ventura anyway, so I've left it in.
  5. Updated to version 0.5. Changes: Use one universal action called "Compress to Zip" Notify on completion. Handle multiple selection and create files.zip in this case. Do not include full paths to the selected files/folders in the zip file. Do not overwrite zip file if it already exists.
  6. I'd like to submit my Compress universal action to the Alfred Gallery if it's useful enough to warrant it. I am the author and the link to it's Alfred Forum thread is: https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/20355-compress-universal-action/ It's published on GitHub at https://github.com/akrabat/alfred-compress/ and has no dependencies. Given a selected file or folder in Finder and triggering Alfred's universal actions, it provides "Compress" and "Zip" options that create a zip file of the selection that is placed in the same directory as the selection.
  7. This is simple Universal Action that compresses the selected file or folder and creates a zip file in the same directory. The GitHub Directory is here: https://github.com/akrabat/alfred-compress. and you can download the latest version from https://github.com/akrabat/alfred-compress/releases/latest. To use, select a file or folder in Finder and trigger Alfred's universal actions. Start typing "compress" or "zip" in order to find the action and then press enter. A Zip file of the same name as the selection will appear in the Finder window. In this example, the file My Report.zip appears on the Desktop.
  8. akrabat

    Date Tools

    That'll teach me to assume that the workflow would do the obvious thing! Fixed in 0.9.3 at https://github.com/akrabat/alfred-date-tools/releases/tag/0.9.3
  9. akrabat

    Date Tools

    Doh. Fixed in 0.9.2 Exactly. Got it. I have plugged in https://github.com/almibarss/build-alfred-workflow to automatically create a Release and attach the .workflow file when I push a new tag. This workflow includes the version number in the generated filename, such as Date-Tools-0.9.2.alfredworkflow. Does this matter?
  10. FWIW, I also have a workflow that does this.
  11. akrabat

    Date Tools

    Vitor, Thanks for the feedback. it's always interesting when someone else uses your stuff differently Unfortunately, BSD's date doesn't suppose the variety of formats that GNU's does. e.g. gdate -d "last monday" is possible, but there's no equivalent in the BSD date. Now that PHP no longer ships with macOS, none of the built-in scripting languages have an out of the box string-to-date parser provided with the OS. Testing a Python implementation using the dateparser library , it's over 100 times slower than the gdate version though and causes a noticeable pause when running the workflow. I'm not sure it's worth providing a fall back to Python if gdate isn't installed to remove the dependency requirement at the expense of shipping a bigger workflow? I usually use dn with no argument and it will use today's date. I think that I need Argument Optional to make this behaviour work? My most common uses are dn and dn last tuesday (or whatever day I need). Good catch. It seems that 19 is interpreted by gdate as "19:00 on today's date", hence yesterday it used "9th April 2023" for its calculations. I'm not sure there's much I can do about this. Python's dateparser library interprets, "19" as "19 April 2023", but "1" as "10th January 2023"! Arguably that's more confusing. I've fixed this by adding a check to ensure that parsing isn't attempted for just numbers, unless there are exactly 8 numbers (e.g. 20230301). This is gdate's date parsing trying to be clever with two digit years. Fixed so that a two digit date is now the correct corresponding year. Do you mean that after I tag and push, I should create a new Release within GitHub and attach a `.workflow` binary by exporting from my install of Alfred? to it? or does the Gallery pick up that the new release exists and creates the workflow binary itself? v0.9.1 is pushed to GitHub with the fixes for the dn and isleapyear number parsing issues.
  12. akrabat

    Date Tools

    I'd like to submit my Date Tools workflow to the Alfred Gallery if it's acceptable. I am the author and the link to it's Alfred Forum thread is: https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/20224-simple-date-tools/ It's published on GitHub at https://github.com/akrabat/alfred-date-tools and it depends on Homebrew's coreutils package. It provides two keyword filters: dn to display the day number for the provided date and isleapyear to show if the provided year is a leap year or not: I'm a little unclear how I should format the GitHub repository. Currently, it's a direct check in of the workflow directory from Alfred's workflows directory. Is this correct?
  13. Now that I've discovered the Gallery, I decided to tidy up one of workflows and put it on GitHub and share it, with a view to submitting. The GitHub repository is here: https://github.com/akrabat/alfred-date-tools. You can install here: https://alfred.app/workflows/akrabat/date-tools/ It contains a couple of simple date related things that I found that I looked up frequently, so I automated them into Alfred: Day Number: Type dn followed by a date to show the day number for a given date. This is a number between 1 and 366, so 1st Jan is 1, 13 March 2023 is 72, but 13 March 2024 is 73 as 2024 is a leap year. This is also a quick way to find out the day of the week for a given day. Is Leap Year: Type `isleapyear` followed by a year to see if that year is a leap year or not. The keywords used for Day Number and Is Leap Year are configurable on the Workflow's configuration page and it depends on GNU's `date` utility which is called `gate` once installed via `brew install coreutils`.
  14. Yeah, I mean the custom icon added to the keyboard input action. I saw that it picks up the workflow's icon if one is not set, but I'm confused as to why copying a keyboard input action copies all the text and the dropdown setting , but not the icon.
  15. Hi, There doesn't seem to be a duplicate option for a workflow item, so I'm copying and then pasting. When I do this with a keyword input everything is pasted, except the custom icon. Is this intentional or a bug?
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