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Everything posted by pacifist

  1. Great concept. Thanks for creating this! However, it's not working on my system: MacOS 10.12.6. Also, as a feature it would be great if there was a fuzzy search function that would populate Alfred results with existing tags .
  2. This is a very helpful workflow - it functions well and I also edited it to post a notification that says "Renamed from {var:oldfilename} to {var:newfilename}". However I did notice that if you rename file A the name of an existing file B of the same type in the same directory it overwrites file B (and I have no idea where the old one goes - not in the trash . Hopefully and presumably something the filesystem can manage). Similarly renaming folder A to the name of folder B in the same directory will move folder A into folder B. Ideally both of these scenarios would report an error and not follow through with the operation, or utilize similar behavior as Finder, by addending "1" "2" "3" etc. to the new file name (or if that's not possible perhaps addending "copy from {time}" to the filename using the {time} dynamic placeholder as a unique identifier) Let me if I'm missing something, but for now I won't use this since I may accidentally delete files with it. Thanks!
  3. Hey guys. New to the forums. Love the app. I would like to be able to view quicklook webpages (hold shift when a url search result is highlighted) in mobile view instead of desktop view. This would make pages load quicker, and would make relavent information easier to see in the page. This would especially be helpful with workflows that show results within alfred such as the wiki, youtube and google searches, for example. Maybe this is an osx thing or could be fixed with a custom quicklook file? I don't know.
  4. Would it be possible to show the first string of text after the title of each wikipedia article as the subtext under each search result? So if I searched for Alfred (software) it would say in the subtext "Alfred is an application launcher and productivity application for Mac OS X..." instead of "read about Alfred (software". Great workflow - thanks!
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