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DrDishant last won the day on February 23 2022

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  1. Oh, I haven't seen such issue with Website So far. 🤔
  2. Yes, you are right. I'm seeking for the same kind of functionality which should work on every app. In previous post, I mentioned an example of "PhraseExpress" - TextExpansion App. In screenshot, I was trying this on "Typora". But it works on Word or any other typing field. In fact today, I tried with two testing keywords: 1. ttyl : talk to you later And 2. ttyt: talk to you today And then, when I wrote "tty", it immediately popped-up with the both the possibilities: ttyl and ttyt. From this, I can immediately pick up the suitable phrase for my use case. If you want, you can try it too. PhraseExpress is free for personal use.
  3. In short, the Pop-up of related snippets / keywords would be much more helpful instead of searching in Alfred always.
  4. Sure. Will request there too! Just for your reference, I am sharing the link: https://www.sortedapp.com/about-us They have interesting story behind this app's formation.
  5. Yes, it's inception was started from 2015, but full stack development was happened just in 2019. So, yeah, it's pretty new.
  6. @deanishe Here's the link: https://www.sortedapp.com/ And you might be familiar with Alfred4 Workflow for OmniFocus3 App: https://github.com/rhydlewis/search-omnifocus Since Sorted App is also a similar GTD and Task Management App, I was looking for such workflow.
  7. Thanks a lot @Vero. I tried and it worked pretty well! More or less, this is what I wanted to achieve… not exactly, but kind of configurable. However, without settings this up, can we have the option of monitoring the input keywords? Still, it will be more convenient. For example, see the attached screenshot… where, the manual trigger is possible, and also it gives me that option.
  8. I found a nice OmniFocus3 Workflow for Alfred4. However, I am planning to use “Sorted3” app workflow. So, is it available for Alfred4 or can anyone help me for the same? Another query: Is there any exhaustive list which gives the list of all Alfred4 Workflows – so far existed or ongoing creation?
  9. One Quick Query: Regarding Snippets, I couldn't find the option to see the snippets while typing on the go. For example, if my keyword is: “Key1”, then as I type, I was expecting that, it will show me in a little pop-up for possible such snippets. For example, “Key2” is another keyword, then it will show me these 2 available snippets and I can trigger them manually by confirming one of them. So, is there a way to see such options while typing on-the-go? (In any editing utility, for example, if I am typing on textedit or word document.) At present, what happens is: I know the keyword and when I finish typing that keyword, it rapidly triggers the snippet… But I want a little variant of this. I hope, I have explained properly.
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