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Posts posted by jan

  1. Hello alfro,


    I have a problem, though: The speaker-selection does not work. If I select it Alfred just shows the search options (DuckDuckGo, Amazon etc.). Do you know whether this might have to do with the bug you mentioned above?



    yes. The AppleScript that collects the available speaker crashes. I hope the Airfoil update is released soon.


    - jan

  2. Hello melifluo,


    I dont really understand your problem. You can open your video in chrome and set Airfoil's Input to Chrome and everything should work...?


    If Chrome is not shown automatically in Alfred, just switch once in Airfoil. Alfred shows the latest few selections.


    BTW: Maybe the Extension is currently not working at the moment. There was a bug in Airfoil, they fixed it but its not yet released.


    - jan

  3. Is it at all possible to launch the Airfoili Video Player from Alfred? This would save a lot of mouse clicks.... :)


    The Airfoil Video Player is just an .app thats inside of the Airfoil.app bundle. You can add "$AIRFOILPATH/Contents/MacOS" to your Alfred "Search Scope" (Settings, Features, Default Results) and you're done.


    Another option is to write your own simple Workflow:


    1. +, Templates, Essentials, Keyword to Applescript
    2. Choose your keyword (no arguments)
    3. set applescript to 


    on alfred_script(q)
    tell application "Airfoil Video Player"
    set test to track title
    end tell
    end alfred_script
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