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    smirky reacted to vitor in iTunes Airplay Toggle   
    Thank you @smirky,
    This will be live later today at https://alfred.app/workflows/chrisdotson/itunes-airplay-toggle/.
  2. Like
    smirky got a reaction from Codec in DJ Pedro - iTunes playlist based on Last.fm similar artists   
    DJ Pedro - Create iTunes playlist based on Last.fm similar artists
    (Updated 10/11/2015 - Fix for broken Last.fm API links)
    This workflow uses the Last.fm API for "similar artists" to create and play a playlist based on either the artist of the currently playing song or an artist searched for within the local iTunes Library. The workflow does not require that you use Last.fm, it only pulls information from their database using their API. (i.e., no scrobbling required.)
    DJ Pedro now lives on the wonderful Packal repository. The best reason for you to get this version is that Packal will handle tracking any future updates so you no longer need to watch this thread.
    Get the Packal version here
    The workflow is triggered by a hotkey or the keyword "dj", and if an argument is added the workflow searches your iTunes library for artists that match the query.
    NEW: I added a couple Alfred Remote triggers to the workflow, the best one allows you to create a DJ Pedro playlist from anywhere in your house via the currently playing iTunes track. This is a feature I have wanted since originally creating the workflow. :-)
    You can add the individual trigger(s) to your own custom Remote page or use the DJ Pedro Remote Page. It's fairly minimal at the moment, but I'm considering adding a Favorites feature since we can't yet type directly into an Alfred window via the remote.
    NEW: If you use my Last.fm and/or Discogs workflows you can now trigger those from results in DJ Pedro's Suggested Artist list using modifier keys. I tend to think that's pretty sweet.

    Settings for the workflow can be modified by triggering the "djprefs" script filter. Available modifications are:
    Playlist name Number of tracks in the created playlist Search limit for 'similar artists' the workflow requests from Last.fm. Maximum tracks per artist added to the playlist. Enable/disable the notification that lists any artists suggested by Last.fm that were not found in your Library.
    Much of the script for displaying artists and their artwork was borrowed from the great "Play Song" workflow, by "caleb531", which you should download if you don't have it yet. Additional scripting was improved by using the qWorkflow library developed by "ursanrazvan". Yes, DJ Pedro is named after our cat.
    This workflow creates a folder in your iTunes folder called "Alfred Album Artwork" for easy access to album artwork icons. This folder should be extremely small and is easily deleted if you delete the workflow.
    Known/Possible Issues:
    Because of the way iTunes 11 handles playlists, there's a pause/un-pause coded into DJ Pedro at the start of playback. If Apple ever provides a better way to deal with Up Next, besides GUI scripting, I'll update this.  
    I'm an amateur coder, so please be kind to my messy code, etc. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated!
    I hope this workflow helps you enjoy your music a little bit more.
  3. Like
    smirky got a reaction from xilopaint in Discogs.com Explorer   
    Discogs.com Explorer - v1.13
    An Alfred 2 workflow for exploring the Discogs.com database, with family-friendly drill downs.
      I highly recommend downloading this from Packal as they provide an updating feature for future versions of the workflow. http://www.packal.org/workflow/discogs-explorer   Github Repo or Direct Download
    A drill-down style workflow to allow exploring the Discogs.com release database. The workflow is triggered by the keyword "dex" or via hotkey. Upon actioning, the workflow defaults to checking if iTunes is currently playing and will look up info for the current track at Discogs. Typing in the Alfred window triggers searching for the entered query. Anything found in the Discogs API search begins populating in the Alfred window. Depending on the results rows will provide static text, a direct link to the relevant Discogs url, or further drill-down ("Explore") options. Note: This workflow requires you to have a Discogs log in already set up. This is entirely due to their new API requirement for OAuth verification. Trust me, I hate requirements like this as much as you do. Upon starting this workflow you will be walked through the relatively painless OAuth process. After that it should never ask you again. The keyword "|dexauth" opens up the Authentication Set-up window where you can do a few things like start the OAuth process over in case something went weird on you.

    Limitations and Such:
    Because of the way Discogs categorizes 'releases' there is a little inconsistency across all of the data. I've tried to smooth this out as best I can. Essentially, this workflow provides the same search ability as the main Discogs site. This means we still have to deal with how they handle artists with similar names (i.e., adding (2), (3), etc. to them). There's nothing I can do about that, and yeah I think it's annoying too. I purposely left out the loading of Discogs images because it dramatically slowed down the workflow to the point of not being useable. The Discogs API is still having server-side issues so you may run into trouble with this extension here and there. I am working on getting the little bugs out but wanted to post this update ASAP since OAuth totally broke the previous version.
  4. Like
    smirky got a reaction from shadylane in DJ Pedro - iTunes playlist based on Last.fm similar artists   
    Hi Anna,
    Thanks for the kind words; I'm glad DJ Pedro has been helpful to you! 
    Someone else has mentioned that using Pedro for Spotify playlists would be great, too. Having no real experience with it I'm not even certain if that's possible, although based on other workflows I think it may be. I guess it's time for me to dig in and see what I can do. I'll report back when I have some time to really look into it. My hope is that it's possible, so we'll see.
    Also, your post reminded me that I have a pretty big update to DJ Pedro's guts that help him run much better. I had been sitting on releasing it until I could use it enough to work out the bugs, but that's long overdue. I'll post the update this weekend!
    Thanks again!
  5. Like
    smirky got a reaction from arsenty in DJ Pedro - iTunes playlist based on Last.fm similar artists   
    DJ Pedro - Create iTunes playlist based on Last.fm similar artists
    (Updated 10/11/2015 - Fix for broken Last.fm API links)
    This workflow uses the Last.fm API for "similar artists" to create and play a playlist based on either the artist of the currently playing song or an artist searched for within the local iTunes Library. The workflow does not require that you use Last.fm, it only pulls information from their database using their API. (i.e., no scrobbling required.)
    DJ Pedro now lives on the wonderful Packal repository. The best reason for you to get this version is that Packal will handle tracking any future updates so you no longer need to watch this thread.
    Get the Packal version here
    The workflow is triggered by a hotkey or the keyword "dj", and if an argument is added the workflow searches your iTunes library for artists that match the query.
    NEW: I added a couple Alfred Remote triggers to the workflow, the best one allows you to create a DJ Pedro playlist from anywhere in your house via the currently playing iTunes track. This is a feature I have wanted since originally creating the workflow. :-)
    You can add the individual trigger(s) to your own custom Remote page or use the DJ Pedro Remote Page. It's fairly minimal at the moment, but I'm considering adding a Favorites feature since we can't yet type directly into an Alfred window via the remote.
    NEW: If you use my Last.fm and/or Discogs workflows you can now trigger those from results in DJ Pedro's Suggested Artist list using modifier keys. I tend to think that's pretty sweet.

    Settings for the workflow can be modified by triggering the "djprefs" script filter. Available modifications are:
    Playlist name Number of tracks in the created playlist Search limit for 'similar artists' the workflow requests from Last.fm. Maximum tracks per artist added to the playlist. Enable/disable the notification that lists any artists suggested by Last.fm that were not found in your Library.
    Much of the script for displaying artists and their artwork was borrowed from the great "Play Song" workflow, by "caleb531", which you should download if you don't have it yet. Additional scripting was improved by using the qWorkflow library developed by "ursanrazvan". Yes, DJ Pedro is named after our cat.
    This workflow creates a folder in your iTunes folder called "Alfred Album Artwork" for easy access to album artwork icons. This folder should be extremely small and is easily deleted if you delete the workflow.
    Known/Possible Issues:
    Because of the way iTunes 11 handles playlists, there's a pause/un-pause coded into DJ Pedro at the start of playback. If Apple ever provides a better way to deal with Up Next, besides GUI scripting, I'll update this.  
    I'm an amateur coder, so please be kind to my messy code, etc. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated!
    I hope this workflow helps you enjoy your music a little bit more.
  6. Like
    smirky got a reaction from DJay in [Request] AirPlay   
    In case anyone else is using this workflow: I had to make a couple small changes to the script because the iTunes 11.1 update seems to have broken the original.
    The previous link goes to the revised version, but here they are again:
    direct link Github
  7. Like
    smirky reacted to heinst in Restart to windows   
    You will probably have to use a language, like python because it is built into mac os x, and use a a for loop to go through what the diskutil returns. This gives an example of how to use bash in python. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4256107/running-bash-commands-in-python
  8. Like
    smirky got a reaction from mixterdee in DJ Pedro - iTunes playlist based on Last.fm similar artists   
    DJ Pedro - Create iTunes playlist based on Last.fm similar artists
    (Updated 10/11/2015 - Fix for broken Last.fm API links)
    This workflow uses the Last.fm API for "similar artists" to create and play a playlist based on either the artist of the currently playing song or an artist searched for within the local iTunes Library. The workflow does not require that you use Last.fm, it only pulls information from their database using their API. (i.e., no scrobbling required.)
    DJ Pedro now lives on the wonderful Packal repository. The best reason for you to get this version is that Packal will handle tracking any future updates so you no longer need to watch this thread.
    Get the Packal version here
    The workflow is triggered by a hotkey or the keyword "dj", and if an argument is added the workflow searches your iTunes library for artists that match the query.
    NEW: I added a couple Alfred Remote triggers to the workflow, the best one allows you to create a DJ Pedro playlist from anywhere in your house via the currently playing iTunes track. This is a feature I have wanted since originally creating the workflow. :-)
    You can add the individual trigger(s) to your own custom Remote page or use the DJ Pedro Remote Page. It's fairly minimal at the moment, but I'm considering adding a Favorites feature since we can't yet type directly into an Alfred window via the remote.
    NEW: If you use my Last.fm and/or Discogs workflows you can now trigger those from results in DJ Pedro's Suggested Artist list using modifier keys. I tend to think that's pretty sweet.

    Settings for the workflow can be modified by triggering the "djprefs" script filter. Available modifications are:
    Playlist name Number of tracks in the created playlist Search limit for 'similar artists' the workflow requests from Last.fm. Maximum tracks per artist added to the playlist. Enable/disable the notification that lists any artists suggested by Last.fm that were not found in your Library.
    Much of the script for displaying artists and their artwork was borrowed from the great "Play Song" workflow, by "caleb531", which you should download if you don't have it yet. Additional scripting was improved by using the qWorkflow library developed by "ursanrazvan". Yes, DJ Pedro is named after our cat.
    This workflow creates a folder in your iTunes folder called "Alfred Album Artwork" for easy access to album artwork icons. This folder should be extremely small and is easily deleted if you delete the workflow.
    Known/Possible Issues:
    Because of the way iTunes 11 handles playlists, there's a pause/un-pause coded into DJ Pedro at the start of playback. If Apple ever provides a better way to deal with Up Next, besides GUI scripting, I'll update this.  
    I'm an amateur coder, so please be kind to my messy code, etc. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated!
    I hope this workflow helps you enjoy your music a little bit more.
  9. Like
    smirky got a reaction from JoeKueser in DJ Pedro - iTunes playlist based on Last.fm similar artists   
    DJ Pedro - Create iTunes playlist based on Last.fm similar artists
    (Updated 10/11/2015 - Fix for broken Last.fm API links)
    This workflow uses the Last.fm API for "similar artists" to create and play a playlist based on either the artist of the currently playing song or an artist searched for within the local iTunes Library. The workflow does not require that you use Last.fm, it only pulls information from their database using their API. (i.e., no scrobbling required.)
    DJ Pedro now lives on the wonderful Packal repository. The best reason for you to get this version is that Packal will handle tracking any future updates so you no longer need to watch this thread.
    Get the Packal version here
    The workflow is triggered by a hotkey or the keyword "dj", and if an argument is added the workflow searches your iTunes library for artists that match the query.
    NEW: I added a couple Alfred Remote triggers to the workflow, the best one allows you to create a DJ Pedro playlist from anywhere in your house via the currently playing iTunes track. This is a feature I have wanted since originally creating the workflow. :-)
    You can add the individual trigger(s) to your own custom Remote page or use the DJ Pedro Remote Page. It's fairly minimal at the moment, but I'm considering adding a Favorites feature since we can't yet type directly into an Alfred window via the remote.
    NEW: If you use my Last.fm and/or Discogs workflows you can now trigger those from results in DJ Pedro's Suggested Artist list using modifier keys. I tend to think that's pretty sweet.

    Settings for the workflow can be modified by triggering the "djprefs" script filter. Available modifications are:
    Playlist name Number of tracks in the created playlist Search limit for 'similar artists' the workflow requests from Last.fm. Maximum tracks per artist added to the playlist. Enable/disable the notification that lists any artists suggested by Last.fm that were not found in your Library.
    Much of the script for displaying artists and their artwork was borrowed from the great "Play Song" workflow, by "caleb531", which you should download if you don't have it yet. Additional scripting was improved by using the qWorkflow library developed by "ursanrazvan". Yes, DJ Pedro is named after our cat.
    This workflow creates a folder in your iTunes folder called "Alfred Album Artwork" for easy access to album artwork icons. This folder should be extremely small and is easily deleted if you delete the workflow.
    Known/Possible Issues:
    Because of the way iTunes 11 handles playlists, there's a pause/un-pause coded into DJ Pedro at the start of playback. If Apple ever provides a better way to deal with Up Next, besides GUI scripting, I'll update this.  
    I'm an amateur coder, so please be kind to my messy code, etc. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated!
    I hope this workflow helps you enjoy your music a little bit more.
  10. Like
    smirky got a reaction from dfay in DJ Pedro - iTunes playlist based on Last.fm similar artists   
    DJ Pedro - Create iTunes playlist based on Last.fm similar artists
    (Updated 10/11/2015 - Fix for broken Last.fm API links)
    This workflow uses the Last.fm API for "similar artists" to create and play a playlist based on either the artist of the currently playing song or an artist searched for within the local iTunes Library. The workflow does not require that you use Last.fm, it only pulls information from their database using their API. (i.e., no scrobbling required.)
    DJ Pedro now lives on the wonderful Packal repository. The best reason for you to get this version is that Packal will handle tracking any future updates so you no longer need to watch this thread.
    Get the Packal version here
    The workflow is triggered by a hotkey or the keyword "dj", and if an argument is added the workflow searches your iTunes library for artists that match the query.
    NEW: I added a couple Alfred Remote triggers to the workflow, the best one allows you to create a DJ Pedro playlist from anywhere in your house via the currently playing iTunes track. This is a feature I have wanted since originally creating the workflow. :-)
    You can add the individual trigger(s) to your own custom Remote page or use the DJ Pedro Remote Page. It's fairly minimal at the moment, but I'm considering adding a Favorites feature since we can't yet type directly into an Alfred window via the remote.
    NEW: If you use my Last.fm and/or Discogs workflows you can now trigger those from results in DJ Pedro's Suggested Artist list using modifier keys. I tend to think that's pretty sweet.

    Settings for the workflow can be modified by triggering the "djprefs" script filter. Available modifications are:
    Playlist name Number of tracks in the created playlist Search limit for 'similar artists' the workflow requests from Last.fm. Maximum tracks per artist added to the playlist. Enable/disable the notification that lists any artists suggested by Last.fm that were not found in your Library.
    Much of the script for displaying artists and their artwork was borrowed from the great "Play Song" workflow, by "caleb531", which you should download if you don't have it yet. Additional scripting was improved by using the qWorkflow library developed by "ursanrazvan". Yes, DJ Pedro is named after our cat.
    This workflow creates a folder in your iTunes folder called "Alfred Album Artwork" for easy access to album artwork icons. This folder should be extremely small and is easily deleted if you delete the workflow.
    Known/Possible Issues:
    Because of the way iTunes 11 handles playlists, there's a pause/un-pause coded into DJ Pedro at the start of playback. If Apple ever provides a better way to deal with Up Next, besides GUI scripting, I'll update this.  
    I'm an amateur coder, so please be kind to my messy code, etc. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated!
    I hope this workflow helps you enjoy your music a little bit more.
  11. Like
    smirky got a reaction from shadylane in DJ Pedro - iTunes playlist based on Last.fm similar artists   
    DJ Pedro - Create iTunes playlist based on Last.fm similar artists
    (Updated 10/11/2015 - Fix for broken Last.fm API links)
    This workflow uses the Last.fm API for "similar artists" to create and play a playlist based on either the artist of the currently playing song or an artist searched for within the local iTunes Library. The workflow does not require that you use Last.fm, it only pulls information from their database using their API. (i.e., no scrobbling required.)
    DJ Pedro now lives on the wonderful Packal repository. The best reason for you to get this version is that Packal will handle tracking any future updates so you no longer need to watch this thread.
    Get the Packal version here
    The workflow is triggered by a hotkey or the keyword "dj", and if an argument is added the workflow searches your iTunes library for artists that match the query.
    NEW: I added a couple Alfred Remote triggers to the workflow, the best one allows you to create a DJ Pedro playlist from anywhere in your house via the currently playing iTunes track. This is a feature I have wanted since originally creating the workflow. :-)
    You can add the individual trigger(s) to your own custom Remote page or use the DJ Pedro Remote Page. It's fairly minimal at the moment, but I'm considering adding a Favorites feature since we can't yet type directly into an Alfred window via the remote.
    NEW: If you use my Last.fm and/or Discogs workflows you can now trigger those from results in DJ Pedro's Suggested Artist list using modifier keys. I tend to think that's pretty sweet.

    Settings for the workflow can be modified by triggering the "djprefs" script filter. Available modifications are:
    Playlist name Number of tracks in the created playlist Search limit for 'similar artists' the workflow requests from Last.fm. Maximum tracks per artist added to the playlist. Enable/disable the notification that lists any artists suggested by Last.fm that were not found in your Library.
    Much of the script for displaying artists and their artwork was borrowed from the great "Play Song" workflow, by "caleb531", which you should download if you don't have it yet. Additional scripting was improved by using the qWorkflow library developed by "ursanrazvan". Yes, DJ Pedro is named after our cat.
    This workflow creates a folder in your iTunes folder called "Alfred Album Artwork" for easy access to album artwork icons. This folder should be extremely small and is easily deleted if you delete the workflow.
    Known/Possible Issues:
    Because of the way iTunes 11 handles playlists, there's a pause/un-pause coded into DJ Pedro at the start of playback. If Apple ever provides a better way to deal with Up Next, besides GUI scripting, I'll update this.  
    I'm an amateur coder, so please be kind to my messy code, etc. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated!
    I hope this workflow helps you enjoy your music a little bit more.
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