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Posts posted by 40-02

  1. 32 minutes ago, giovanni said:

    The idea was for the user to add rows with their shortcuts from other applications etc. The ideal solution would be that the Workflow gets all the system keyboard shortcuts and shows them in the file, but I couldn't find a way to do that. 

    Wow! I was dreaming about that! 

    I have also researched how to collect all the global shortcuts several times already, but I have had no luck. 

    Though, I think I will continue my search. I will let you know if I find the solution.

  2. Wow! That is a pretty cool workflow in my opinion! I really like the interface solution with circles!


    Is it possible to not show disabled workflows? It seems like it now shows all the shortcuts.


    Also, in my case `:aalpha` only gives the table with only 4 rows. What do the custom hotkeys mean? Are those shortcuts modified from the defaults?



  3. Vitor, thank you for the explanation! I'm sorry for the lack of clearness. I updated the original post and added the desirable sequence as I imagine it: 


    On 1/4/2022 at 12:08 PM, 40-02 said:

    UPD: 20220116
    So If I had the feature as I imagine it, my workflow would be:

    0. Type "brew install" and remember that I recently copied the package name.

    1. Open clipboard history

    2. Choose the needed item

    3. Use the shortcut to concatenate the previously typed command with the chosen item. 

    4. Open clipboard again

    5. Use the shortcut to concatenate the previously typed command with the chosen item. And so on.


  4. On 1/4/2022 at 9:57 PM, vitor said:

    The proper way to achieve this would be to add a Universal Action to the Workflow. It would allow you to go from Clipboard History directly to the Workflow.


    In my case, I've got to add a universal workflow to trigger the keyword "brew install", and I must create all such universal actions in advance, which can be avoided If there were a requested feature. 

    Also, the way you suggest doesn't allow the use of several items from clipboard history in one query. 


    So If there were a Universal action to add an item from clipboard action to previously typed command in Alfred, this would allow me to achieve what I want. 

  5. Would you please consider adding the shortcut (for example, `cmd + enter`) to paste the selected item from clipboard history into the end of the previously typed Alfred command? 


    Let me show the example of my workflow where it can be used:

    0. So I typed the command "brew install " in Alfred using brew workflow (which surely would be faster to do in terminal, but it serves good for example purposes. )

    And then, I want to paste the name of the brew package from clipboard history. (which I copied on some site a few seconds ago and copied some text after). And without such shortcut for accomplishing this, I must:
    1. Open clipboard history

    2. Choose the needed item

    3. Copy it into the clipboard

    4. Activate Alfred

    5. Hit the right cursor button (as typed on the 0 step command is in Alfred)

    6. Paste the value from the clipboard


    UPD: 20220116
    So If I had the feature as I imagine it, my workflow would be:

    0. Type "brew install" and remember that I recently copied the package name.

    1. Open clipboard history

    2. Choose the needed item

    3. Use the shortcut to concatenate the previously typed command with the chosen item. 

    4. Open clipboard again

    5. Use the shortcut to concatenate the previously typed command with the chosen item. And so on.



  6. Hey Guys!:) 
    Could you, please, consider adding the shortcut to cycle through the history of alfred commands forth. 
    I understand that there is only 20 commands in history, but still - I often find myself cycling through them and skipping occasionally the needed result for me, so I have to start for my search once again from the beginning. 


    I'm talking about addition to this feature: 


  7. On 6/30/2019 at 7:56 AM, vitor said:

    No reason this couldn’t work as both a file action and a hotkey. The cleanest solution would be to add a new node, similar to a Browse in Alfred Action that adds to the buffer. That way we could make more complex selections, like have a Workflow that does something with some files and sends others to the buffer. It could even have an extra checkbox to Browse in Alfred after adding to Buffer — it it’s off, it just adds to the buffer, if you check it, it opens in the File Actions pane so you can immediately act on them.

    I suppose this feature would be useful for me too! +1

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