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40-02 got a reaction from TomBenz in Alfred's alphabet
Wow! I was dreaming about that!
I have also researched how to collect all the global shortcuts several times already, but I have had no luck.
Though, I think I will continue my search. I will let you know if I find the solution.
40-02 reacted to pseudometa in Supercharged Citation Picker
Update (2022-09-13): Alfred 5 Workflow configuration is now supported. So is eta-template as citation syntax.
Update (2022-05-20): Now also works with Multi-Markdown, and Latex citation syntax. Wikilinks and tags are supported as well.
This is a citation picker for academics that write in markdown. I am proud to say that this is the most performant and most feature-rich citation picker that I know of! 💪
Inserts Pandoc Citation Syntax ("[@citekey]") by default (Can be be changed to LaTeX, MMD, Wikilinks, tags, or eta templates). Works with page numbers & multiple citations. works systemwide, in case you also work in another Markdown app. smart search: search for citekeys, authors, title, publication, keywords (tags), include/exclude authors in et al, tab-completion, ... feature-rich: paste single-entry bibliographies, remove entries from your library without opening a reference management app, open URLs, open or create literature notes, search for .csl files online... Obsidian integration: When located in an Obsidian vault, literature notes will automatically be opened/created in Obsidian. (Otherwise, they will be opened in the default app for markdown files.) blazingly fast: considerably quicker than other citation pickers (~200ms to fully reload a library with ~4000 entries on my machine) easy setup: no dependencies, no required plugins, no complicated setup. Just enter the path to your .bib file and you are good to go.
➡️ https://github.com/chrisgrieser/alfred-bibtex-citation-picker
40-02 reacted to giovanni in Alfred's alphabet
Great idea! I added this option.
The idea was for the user to add rows with their shortcuts from other applications etc. The ideal solution would be that the Workflow gets all the system keyboard shortcuts and shows them in the file, but I couldn't find a way to do that.
40-02 reacted to giovanni in Alfred's alphabet
Alfred's alphabet 🔤
A dictionary of your Alfred shortcuts
You can launch Alfred Workflows using single letters (either alone, or with a prefix, or as hotkeys with modifiers). Specifically:
1. single-letter keyword (e.g. m used for m query)
2. prefix + single letter keyword (e.g. k used with a prefix (!, -> !k) to search your Kindle library using alfred-kindle)
3. hotkey (a letter plus one or more of the modifier keys:
Shift (⇧) Control (^) Option (⌥) Command (⌘)
Alfred's Alphabet allows to review single-letter shortcuts in a single dictionary application, to check which letters are used, which are available, and which ones are conflicting with system-wide shortcuts.
Browsing Alfred's Alphabet
- launch with keyword (default: aalpha), or custom hotkey
- scroll results or enter a single letter to filter. The first output is an overview with one circle per keyword/hotkey.
- ⚪: unused prefix/hotkey modifier
- 🟠: prefix/hotkey modifier used for Alfred Workflow
- 🔴: used prefix/hotkey modifier, conflicting with one of the custom/system-wide shortcuts
- Circles are grouped in blocks as follows:
1. no prefix (i.e. single-letter keyword)
2. prefix block (if any): if any letter prefixes have been entered in Workflow configuration, they will be represented in this block (one circle per prefix)
3. 1-key modifier keys in this order (block of 4): shift, control, option, command
4. 2-key modifier keys:
- block of 3: sht-ctl, sht-opt, `sht-cmd
- block of 2: ctl-opt, ctl-cmd
- block of 1: opt-cmd
5. 3-key modifier keys (block of 3): sht-ctl-opt, sht-ctl-cmd, ctl-opt-cmd,
6. 4-key modifier (block of 1): sht-ctl-opt-cmd
- ctrl-enter ^↩️ will show the overview in large font
- enter ↩️ will list the workflows using that letter
- further pressing enter ↩️ will open the config page of the corresponding Workflow.
Saving custom hotkeys
By entering :aalpha you can open a csv file with custom hotkeys.
Enter your own, using for the modifier key one of the abbreviations listed above.
A few examples are listed as demo in the default file.
40-02 reacted to AndyP in New Bear Alfred Workflow
@drgrib is already working on it.
According to his Github, we may have a new build tomorrow.
40-02 reacted to vitor in Possible to add custom shells to "Run Script" component?
Welcome @peacememories,
Don‘t consider it a workaround—that’s the proper way to do it.
You cannot add custom paths for languages in the default box because other languages don’t come bundled with macOS and that would be an issue if you shared your Workflow with someone that doesn’t have the language installed (or has it on a different location).
40-02 reacted to Vero in ChatFred: OpenAI's GPT-model workflow
Thanks for the workflow, @chrislemke - It was fun to play with it, so I used it to write a blog post about itself! 😄
For those who'd like to read what happens when you ask ChatGPT to write the blog post and DALL-E 2 to create an image for it, this is what you get:
40-02 reacted to akrabat in Compress Universal Action
This is simple Universal Action that compresses the selected file or folder and creates a zip file in the same directory.
The GitHub Directory is here: https://github.com/akrabat/alfred-compress. and you can download the latest version from https://github.com/akrabat/alfred-compress/releases/latest.
To use, select a file or folder in Finder and trigger Alfred's universal actions. Start typing "compress" or "zip" in order to find the action and then press enter. A Zip file of the same name as the selection will appear in the Finder window. In this example, the file My Report.zip appears on the Desktop.
40-02 got a reaction from thec13 in Homebrew and Cask for Alfred
Github user with the nick `harrtho` made a version of this workflow, that works on the latest versions of Macos.
40-02 reacted to vitor in Ignore in Alfred — Exclude files and folders from Alfred’s search results
Remove or readd files and folders from Alfred’s search results via the Universal Actions.
Alternatively, search for files and folders via the ignore, unignore, and reignore keywords.
⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source
40-02 reacted to Andrew in iTerm 2 Clipboard Merging bug
If I remember correctly, I believe this is a setting in iTerm2 which copies the text when selecting it (without having to use cmd+c), so by you using cmd+c, you are effectively copying by selecting and copying by cmd+c, so this is merging.
Either don't use cmd+c after selecting the text in iTerm2 (as it is copied anyway), or disable copy on selecting in iTerm 2
40-02 reacted to gohoyer in Encryptor - Encrypt files password protected with AES-256
Alfred Encryptor
Easily encrypt and decrypt files and folders with passwords using strong AES-256 ciphers.
Encrypting files/folders
To encrypt a file or folder type enc and select the files and/or folders you want to encrypt.
Next, select the destination folder.
Inform the password to protect the encrypted file and its done!
A file named encryptor_*.enc will be created and displayed in finder.
Now you can safelly share this file knowing that only who has the correct password can open it!
Decrypting files encrypted with Encryptor
To decrypt a file encrypted by this workflow type dec and select the file to be decrypted.
Next select the destination folder.
Inform the password used to encrypt the file and its all that is needed!
Alfred will open the destination folder on Finder and you can view the decrypted contents.
This workflow require you to have tar and openssl avaliable on your system.
To check if they're avaliable on your system open a terminal and type:
which tar openssl The expected result is similar to:
/usr/bin/tar /usr/bin/openssl Behind the scenes
To encrypt and decrypt files/folders this workflow uses tar and openssl commands in a bash terminal.
Because of this, anyone who has openssl and tar installed on their systems can encrypt and decrypt files just like this workflow does.
This means that you can send and receive encrypted files even with non Alfrerd users.
To manually encrypt or decrypt files just follow the steps below.
Manually encrypt
Type the following comands on your terminal replacing:
FILE_N and FOLDER_N with the files/folders you want to encrypt PASSWORD with the password to protect the file FILENAME with the name of the resulting file (keep the .enc extension) tar -cvf /tmp/encryptor.tar FILE_1 FILE_2 FOLDER_1 FOLDER_2 openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -in /tmp/encryptor.tar -k PASSWORD -out FILENAME.enc rm -f /tmp/encryptor.tar Manually decrypt
Type the following comands on your terminal replacing:
FILE with the file to be decrypted PASSWORD with the password used to protect the file FOLDER with the folder where the decrypted files/folders should be placed openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in FILE -k PASSWORD -out /tmp/encryptor.tar tar -xvf /tmp/encryptor.tar -C FOLDER rm -f /tmp/encryptor.tar Download
Check the releases page to download it.
40-02 reacted to vitor in One keyword to output results of several workflows
There is no simpler way, no.
40-02 reacted to vitor in Window Switcher — Switch to a specific window of an app in the current Desktop Space
Search app windows in the current Desktop Space via the win keyword.
↩ Bring window to the front. ⌘↩ Quit app.
Configure the Hotkey for faster triggering.
⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source
40-02 reacted to Joel a in open finder folder as tab ??
It seems as though the best option is baked in:
System Preferences > General > Prefer tabs "always" when opening documents.
40-02 reacted to raguay.customct in [SOLVED] Edit clipboard
You can use my workflow ScratchPad (https://github.com/raguay/MyAlfred/blob/master/Alfred 3/ScratchPad.alfredworkflow). It will copy the clipboard to the Alfred prompt, you can edit it and hit enter to save it back to the clipboard. Very useful for me. Give it a try.
40-02 reacted to jopemachine in Transform selected text to markdown-table or apply markdown grammar
Transform selected text to markdown-table or apply markdown grammar!
40-02 reacted to smarg19 in Pandoctor: An Alfred GUI for Pandoc
To everyone who still has interest in this workflow:
I am sorry that it no longer works. I no longer need or use the workflow. I developed it when I was in graduate school and writing all the time. I have since left academia and haven't really needed this (or my other workflows) in years. However, I do still love this little workflow and would love to get it healthy again, but it has been years since I've fiddled with Alfred workflows. If anyone wants to become the new maintainer, I would be happy to spend a weekend afternoon or an evening pairing with someone to get it updated and fixed and then hand over the Github repo. Let me know if you are interested.
40-02 reacted to Acidham in Chromium Bookmarks and History Search
Done, but I added sort_recent flag in Workflow settings. If set to True search results will be sorted based on recent visits otherwise on number of visits.
40-02 reacted to dfay in Swift Windows Switcher [Safari/Chrome tabs support]
This is Catalina blocking it. You can follow the second set of steps (under Note:) on this page:
That worked for me with another workflow with a Swift binary included.
40-02 reacted to biati in Calculate Anything
Calculate Anything is a workflow for Alfred 4, that uses natural language and is able to calculate multiple things like currency, time, vat, px, em, rem, percentage, and more.
There are several conversion workflows out there but I wanted a workflow that worked naturally. For example, you can open Alfred, type `100 + 9` and get a result. No need for keywords or hotkeys -- it just works. With Calculate Anything you can do the same, simply type `100 + 16%`, `100 euros to usd`, `100km to cm` or `100 years to hours` and many more.
- Natural language - type 100 euros to dollars, 100 euros in usd, 100€ to $, 100eur usd, 100 euros a dolares -- it does not matter, the same result will be displayed It includes support for English, Spanish and Swedish
- Currency - Up to 168 currencies
- Cryptocurrency - Support for up to 5,000 cryptocurrencies
- Units - 100 kilometers to meters or 100 km to m or simply 100km m
- Data Storage - 100 gigabytes in megabytes, 2 gb to mb, 400MiB to kib, 2tb gb, etc.
- Percentages - 100 + 16%, 100 - 16%, 40 as a % of 50, 20 is what % of 50, etc.
- PX,Em,Rem,Pt - 12px or 12px to em or 12px pt
- Time - time +15 years, time now plus 6 hours or convert a timestamp
- VAT - value added tax calculations, we all need this
- Translations You can create your own translations to display results in your language
- Keywords Extend the natural language in the queries so you can type 100 dolares a pesos and the code will see 100usd to mxn
You will always find the latest version, changelog and updated documentation on Github as is difficult to use the forum to keep track of updates and support.
Requirements for Mac OS Monterey Users and up
Starting from Mac OS Monterey Apple removed PHP so you have to install it manually, that can easily be done with Homebrew, just open your terminal and paste the commands below:
1.- Install Homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
2.- Install PHP
brew install php
That's it, you need to have the latest version of Alfred and will automatically find the PHP version that you install.
Mac OS Big Sur users and below do not need to do anything, your Mac OS already includes PHP.
Download directly from Github releases page, make sure to download the latest release. Download here
You can configure the workflow using the new Alfred 5 Workflow Configuration window.
You can use natural language or a few characters -- that's all! For example:
100 us dollars in mexican pesos 100 canadian dollars in argentinian peso 100 euros to dollars 100 euros in dollars 100 euros as dollars 100 euros a dolares (you can also write it in your own language) 100 usd to mxn 100 usd mxn 100usd yen 100€ to $ 100 ¥ in € 100¥ € 100eur (if no target the currency will be converted to the base currencies that you configured)
You can set a base currencies so if you type for example 120 euros it will be automatically converted to the currencies that you configured.
All these examples just work. You can add spaces between the value and the currency or not.
Currency Modifiers
When a result is displayed you can use action modifiers to copy the value in different formats:
Return - Press Return to copy the value with format, for example 2,376.54 Command + Return - Press Command + Return to copy the value without formatting, for example 2376.54 Option + Return - Press Option + Return to copy the value of a single unit, for example 23.76
Currency API Key (Not required)
By default the workflow will use exchangeratehost api to make the conversion. exchangeratehost only support 32 currencies; if you need support for additional currencies supported by Calculate Anything, you need to get a FREE API Key from https://fixer.io -- it takes less than a minute. Then simply add the API Key in the workflow configuration window.
Currency Symbols
You can also use currency symbols in your query for example 100¥ to € will be converted to 100JPY to EUR, here is a list of available symbols.
Please go to the repo description on Github for a full list of supported symbols it's really difficult to write them here in the forum. View Currency Symbols
Calculate Anything can convert between 5,000 cryptocurrencies and 168 currencies. Again, you can use natural language or simply pass the currency symbol.
2 bitcoin to dollars 0.1 bitcoin in dollars 5 bitcoins in ethereum 1 ethereum to ¥ 10 ethereum in mxn 1eth btc 1btc (If no target the currency will be converted to the base currency that you configured)
Cryptocurrency Modifiers
When a result is displayed you can use action modifiers to copy the value in different formats:
Return - Press Return to copy the value with format, for example 2,376.54 Command + Return - Press Command + Return to copy the value without formatting, for example 2376.54 Option + Return - Press Option + Return to copy the value of a single unit, for example 23.76
Cryptocurrency API Key
You need to get a FREE API Key from https://coinmarketcap.com/api/pricing/ it takes less than a minute. Then simply add the API Key in the workflow configuration window.
You can write your query using natural language or just a few characters. Either way works!
100 kilometers to meters 100 km in meters 100 km m 100km m 100 miles as meters 100miles in meters 100 miles to m 100 ounces to kilograms 100oz to kg 100oz = kg 100oz kg 10 years to months 10years to seconds 1 year to sec 1hr s 10 días a horas (use your own language)
If you don't remember the unit abbreviation just simply type the name for example instead of "oz" you can type "ounce" or "ounces" or even use words in your own language for exaple "onza" or "onzas" in spanish.
Please go to the repo description on Github for a full list of units it's really difficult to write them here in the forum. View Units
Units Modifiers
When a result is displayed you can use action modifiers to copy the value in different formats:
Return - Press Return to copy the value with format, for example 2,376.54 Command + Return - Press Command + Return to copy the value without formatting, for example 2376.54 Option + Return - Press Option + Return to copy the value of a single unit, for example 23.76
Data Storage
You can write your query using natural language or just a few characters. Either way works!
100 gigabytes in megabytes 100 gigas in megas 100 Mebibytes in Kibibytes 100 gb to mb 100gb to kb 100gb mb 400MiB in kib 2tb gb 1b kb
Please note, this workflow follows the IEC Standard (International Electrotechnical Commission) as it had been adopted by the IEEE, EU, and NIST. That means that if you type `1MB in KB` you will get `1000 KB` but if you type `1MiB in KiB` you will get `1024 KB`, you can read more about it here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte#Multiple-byte_units
Do you prefer 1 MB = 1024 KB? No problem, you can configure it in the Workflow configuration window.
Data Storage Modifiers
When a result is displayed you can use action modifiers to copy the value in different formats:
Return - Press Return to copy the value with format, for example 2,376.54 Command + Return - Press Command + Return to copy the value without formatting, for example 2376.54
You can easily calculate percentages for example:
15% of 50 = 7.50 //7.5 equals to 15% of 50 120 + 30% = 156 //120 plus the 30% of 120 120 plus 30% = 156 //120 plus the 30% of 120 120 - 30% = 84 //120 minus the 30% of 120 120 minus 30% = 84 //120 minus the 30% of 120 30 % 40 = 75% // 30 is 75% of 40.
Translations and natural language can also be used
120 más 30% = 156
Open Alfred, type `12px` and you'll see the value converted to em, rem and pt. It's that simple. Check the examples below.
12px 12px to em 2 rem 2rem 2rem to pt 12px in em base 17px (use a custom px base or configure it in the workflow)
Given its less frequently used, time conversions require the use of the keyword time
Gives you the current time
Converts the timestamp to a regular date
time 1577836800
Gives you the time from now plus anything you want
time +15 days time now plus 3 days
Number of days until specified date
time days until 31 december
The start date of current year
time start of year
The start date of specified year
time start of 2021
The end date of current year
time end of year
The end date of specified year
time end of 2021
It also works in your language
time inicio de 2020 time fin de 2020 time dias hasta 31 diciembre
Get information about date
time 31 December, 2021 18:00:00 time 31/12/2021 18:00:00 time 12/31/2021 18:00:00
Calculate the difference between two dates
time 25 December, 2021 - 31 December, 2021 time 31-11-2019 - 21-11-2019 time 11/31/2019 - 11/21/2019
VAT (value added tax)
With this you can calculate the VAT for a given amount. Like time, VAT is also triggered with a keyword. By default, the keyword is "vat" but you can change the keyword in the workflow.
Given the following query
vat of 400 (with a 16% VAT configured, a percentage you can configure)
Calculate Anything will provide the following conversions:
VAT of 400 = 64 (the VAT amount) 400 plus VAT = 464 (the Amount plus VAT) 400 minus VAT = 344.82 (the Amount minus VAT, useful if you have a final amount and want to know the VAT applied)
The workflow stores some data about currency in the workflow data folder. You can delete the cache by opening Alfred and typing `_caclear`.
40-02 reacted to Mr Pennyworth in Fuzzy File Search: Bring Powers of fzf to Alfred
Glad you find it useful!
That's a good point! I should change it when I get around to it
Nope, that's not possible right now, and unlikely to be implemented. That's because I haven't yet found the need where I frequently search inside multiple folders. Especially given that it is fuzzy search, most of the time, just searching the parent folder should do.
40-02 reacted to Mr Pennyworth in Fuzzy File Search: Bring Powers of fzf to Alfred
Instant Fuzzy File Search: Download
List all the files inside a folder using fd, and instantly fuzzy-search through all of them using fzf, all from inside Alfred with a single keyword: fzf.
Invoke with fzf
Search through tens of thousands of files
Fuzzy search shows most relevant results
There's a folder action too!
Search even inside apps
Manually create folder-specific keywords
Alternative and comparison
Fuzzy Folders is another fuzzy search workflow that is more configurable and customizable. Instant Fuzzy File Search doesn’t have any plans to match all the features supported by Fuzzy Folders. Neither does it aim to be as easy to customize. Take a look at the table below for a quick comparison between the two.
40-02 reacted to dfay in Finder scripts (including opening in a single window)
I've used Skim since 2005, before Preview added annotations, so it's largely a matter of inertia. But it also has better AppleScript capabilities for getting notes out than anything else I've tried
I was trying to get the app icons but they weren't showing up despite using (what I think was) the correct json. So I gave up and used the generic 4 square icon.
The "All Tags..." control would need to be addressed through GUI scripting. I tried a bit with no success.
40-02 reacted to drgrib in New Bear Alfred Workflow
I've created a new Bear Alfred workflow here:
It is faster compared to the current Bear Alfred workflow because it is written in Go instead of Python and has optimized SQL queries. It also adds tag searching and autocompletion, link pasting, and clipboard content to note on creation. I do appreciate the author of the original Bear Alfred workflow because I started mine from his design.