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    40-02 reacted to Vero in Adding shortcut to iterate over recent alfred commands not only back but and forth   
    Cmd + arrows navigates in and out of File Navigation, and Alt + arrows is used for the File Buffer, so those combos are very much in use already in Alfred. 
    It's not just a case of what's comfortable, but also what's practical without affecting existing hotkeys and habits, so quite a bit of consideration and thought has gone into this.  
  2. Like
    40-02 reacted to Andrew in Adding shortcut to iterate over recent alfred commands not only back but and forth   
    Right, for the next 4.3 pre-release, I've added ⌃↑ and ⌃↓ to navigate the history in the default results at any point (even if you have typed a different query).
    These shortcuts by default are used in macOS for Mission Control, and Application Windows, so these associations will need to be disabled in the macOS Mission Control prefs for these shortcuts to work within Alfred.
    I should nave the next pre-release out some time this week.
  3. Like
    40-02 reacted to Mr Pennyworth in Adding shortcut to iterate over recent alfred commands not only back but and forth   
    @40-02 @deanishe @vitor
    Here you go:
    It's rough around the edges, but better than nothing
  4. Like
    40-02 got a reaction from vitor in Adding shortcut to iterate over recent alfred commands not only back but and forth   
    Hey Guys!:) 
    Could you, please, consider adding the shortcut to cycle through the history of alfred commands forth. 
    I understand that there is only 20 commands in history, but still - I often find myself cycling through them and skipping occasionally the needed result for me, so I have to start for my search once again from the beginning. 
    I'm talking about addition to this feature: 
  5. Like
    40-02 reacted to deanishe in LastPass Accelerator   
    Please don't try to generate JSON by smushing strings together. It never works. As you noted, Alfred does accept invalid JSON (trailing commas aren't actually allowed), but it's only so lenient. Use a language that has proper JSON support.
  6. Like
    40-02 reacted to mandrigin in Swift Windows Switcher [Safari/Chrome tabs support]   

    I made an Alfred 3 workflow to search and switch between open windows in the system and Safari (and Chrome) tabs.

    More app-by-app support are (hopefully) coming.

    It is uses the companion native app, that's what makes it much faster than the other alternatives.

    Sierra only (at the moment).

    PS: Thanks to Emanuele Munafò and his "Windows Switcher" workflow for the inspiration.
  7. Like
    40-02 reacted to llityslife in Add to Buffer: (1) Selection Hotkey or (2) File Action - Feature Request   
    Is it always pin the files or folder in the buffer? When I restart computer.
  8. Like
    40-02 reacted to vitor in Add to Buffer: (1) Selection Hotkey or (2) File Action - Feature Request   
    Good news. It’s coming!
  9. Like
    40-02 reacted to Andrew in [SOLVED] Is it possible to add file to Alfred buffer from finder?   
    The upcoming Alfred 4.1 has a new Buffer workflow object to both place files into the buffer, and get files back out again, so you'll have quite a bit of flexibility with what you do
  10. Like
    40-02 reacted to vitor in Add to Buffer: (1) Selection Hotkey or (2) File Action - Feature Request   
    No reason this couldn’t work as both a file action and a hotkey. The cleanest solution would be to add a new node, similar to a Browse in Alfred Action that adds to the buffer. That way we could make more complex selections, like have a Workflow that does something with some files and sends others to the buffer. It could even have an extra checkbox to Browse in Alfred after adding to Buffer — it it’s off, it just adds to the buffer, if you check it, it opens in the File Actions pane so you can immediately act on them.
  11. Like
    40-02 reacted to vitor in [SOLVED] Is it possible to add file to Alfred buffer from finder?   
    Not possible. There’s already a feature request for it:
  12. Like
    40-02 reacted to Vero in Web Bookmarks support for Brave   
    @kms There's a workflow here for Brave bookmarks, which you may want tot try:
    At this time, we are not planning on adding Brave browser support, as it isn't widely used, but we always keep an eye on stats and demand.
  13. Like
    40-02 reacted to vitor in Reminders   
    @codydingy I ask you to not take this the wrong way. My goal here is to help you get the help you’re asking for. Consider this:

    If I do something for you for free, it’s a favour from which I may bail at any time. But if you introduce $5 to the mix, it becomes a business transaction—an obligation. There’s a threshold (different for everyone) that defines when one is willing to trade freedom for money.
    While it’s appreciated that you offer to pay for someone’s time, there’s fewer coding tasks one would accept (and not regret) for $5 than for $0. The commitment isn’t worth it1. If you cannot afford more than $5 but would still like to contribute to whoever helps you, you’ll be better asking for it for free and sending the money as a surprise after the fact.

    So in this case, it may be that your good intention is backfiring.
    1. There is one type of task that’s worth it. When the request is so clear and simple that we see the solution in our heads without having to look at the code.

    As a quick workaround, you may set a Hotkey Trigger (Action: Show Alfred; Argument: Text; Text: r in 30 minutes ). That way, when you press the hotkey you’ll have the text prepopulated and ready to go. Or you may do other connections with different Keyword Inputs, as long as you focus on the same goal.

    Old bug.
  14. Like
    40-02 reacted to vitor in Alfred Keyword Help - find available keyword   
    Download Alfred 4 and call ?hotkey.
  15. Like
    40-02 reacted to Don Dahl in Alfred Keyword Help - find available keyword   
    I would really like to see the addition of hotkeys set for workflows as well, if possible
  16. Like
    40-02 reacted to sballin in Search Apple/iCloud Notes   
    Version 2.0.0 released! The workflow now runs on python 3 and lets you copy note bodies with cmd+enter and search note bodies with a new keyword.
    Other minor changes: include version number, drop confusing .app.alfredworkflow extension, add please wait subtext. I don't think it's possible to have text indicating that no result was found.
  17. Like
    40-02 reacted to oderwat in File action for calculating useful checksums   
    This workflow generates some useful checksums from file contents. It is implemented as file action which makes it easy to use!
    It works pretty nice with my "Last changed files" workflow and also can be used to checksum a file in finder by setting a hotkey to the "File Selection" in "Find File".

    You can download it here: https://github.com/oderwat/alfredworkflows/raw/master/Checksums.alfredworkflow
    My other workflows are here: https://github.com/oderwat/alfredworkflows
    V1.0 - Initial releases
  18. Like
    40-02 reacted to Vookimedlo in alfred-file-checksums   
    Dear Alfred users,
    Here is another file digest computation workflow for Alfred. It's aimed on files only, so data are read in binary mode.
    The most useful digest are "md5" and "sha-1/256/512" in these days,
    Github: https://github.com/vookimedlo/alfred-file-checksums
    Alfred 3 workflow for computing file checksums.
    Install alfred-file-checksums workflow. All further updates are handled automatically. Usage
    Select a file or multiple files in finder and invoke the alfred file actions, by default the ⌃⌘\ shortcut.

    Choose the appropriate digest algorithm in displayed menu. Be aware, that a digest computation takes its time on large files, so be patient! By default, computed digests will be shown. This could be overridden by pressing the ⌘ key, which forces to put computed digests to clipboard.

    Then, by default, the computed digests from selected files will be shown.

  19. Like
    40-02 reacted to Acidham in Chromium Bookmarks and History Search   
  20. Like
    40-02 reacted to cdpath in Convert to markdown table   
    Copy table from Numbers and paste as markdown table.
    GitHub Repo
    1. https://github.com/schmijos/html-table-parser-python3
    2. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2545289/getting-rtf-data-out-of-mac-os-x-pasteboard-clipboard
  21. Like
    40-02 reacted to deanishe in Bear workflow - search and create notes   
    Not easily, no. The reason is that the workflow uses SQLite's search, but SQLite doesn't support case-insensitive search of non-ASCII.
  22. Like
    40-02 reacted to sballin in Search Apple/iCloud Notes   
    @40-02 have you tried the keywords a or b instead of n to search?
  23. Like
    40-02 reacted to sballin in Search Apple/iCloud Notes   
    That's a good idea, I'll put it on the to-do list!
    @wkoutre and @40-02 this bug is now fixed by the PR from @shortbread  and an extra check I added. Packal and Github releases have been updated.
  24. Like
    40-02 reacted to deanishe in Search in clipboard history is case sensitive for non latin layout [Fixed 3.6 b893 pre-release]   
    Never has been, AFAIK.
    The "search is case-sensitive in non-ASCII alphabets" issue is restricted to SQLite-based features, which in terms of search, is apps, clipboard and snippets.
    Most of Alfred's searches use the system index API (which has always been case- and diacritic-insensitive).
  25. Like
    40-02 reacted to Andrew in Search in clipboard history is case sensitive for non latin layout [Fixed 3.6 b893 pre-release]   
    @40-02 thanks for your patience with this, it's involved writing a [high performance] custom filtering routine for SQLite.
    if you update to the latest 3.6 b895, I've added a new option in the Features > Clipboard > Advanced preferences. Select the "Diacritic and Unicode case insensitive matching" option, and this should now work as expected
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